Myself and our other officers, Nick Smith, Richard Fast, and Rebecca Lau (our treasurer, secretary, and vice-chair respectively), will be meeting online this Saturday from noon to 3pm, to work on drafting proposals for revising the Libertarian Party of San Francisco's bylaws.
Any other Libertarians who would like to participate are welcome to join us. Here's the information to call in to the meeting:
phone number: (425) 436-6356
access code: 155643#
Bylaws revision suggestions from this working meeting will be presented at our next monthly LPSF meeting happening May 9 from 3-5pm, for input, discussion, and voting on by the general membership.
Here are a few of the topics to be discussed and worked on:
• Allowing voting by members, not just officers, between meetings
• Making it faster and easier for our local party to take action and do so in a timely manner
• Resolving conflicts between the LPSF and Libertarian Party of California (LPC) bylaws
• How much to rely on detailed rules; when if ever to use Robert's Rules of Order or other outside rules, etc.
• What tasks we want done, and how we want to allocate them
• Definition of voting membership at the local level
Here are links to the current LPSF and LPC bylaws:
LPSF bylaws:
LPC bylaws:
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
LPSF chair
(415) 625-FREE
P.S. – If you would like to whatever proposed changes that we come up with on Saturday before our next monthly meeting and are not already on the LPSF-Activists email list, please let me know and I can send you that info before our next meeting.