Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

I am making 50 fabulous lunches for the homeless at my home this Saturday at 9AM

Come help and demonstrate Libertarian volunteerism

Address is

3329 Cabrlillo Street @ 34th ave.
SF, CA 94121

Michael Denny
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
No On Prop A

(415) 608-0269

Have you bought the ingredients yet Mike?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Jan 20, 2021, at 10:27 PM, via LPSF Forum wrote:

January 21
I am making 50 fabulous lunches for the homeless at my home this Saturday at 9AM

Come help and demonstrate Libertarian volunteerism

Address is

3329 Cabrlillo Street @ 34th ave.
SF, CA 94121

Michael Denny
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
No On Prop A

Bad SF Bonds

(415) 608-0269

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From: Starchild via LPSF Forum
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 11:18 PM
Subject: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

January 21

Have you bought the ingredients yet Mike?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))
¡¡¡ (click for more details)

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My buddy Royce is coming over to help.



Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 7:43 AM
To: LPSF Forum
Subject: RE: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless



From: Starchild via LPSF Forum <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 11:18 PM
Subject: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

January 21

Have you bought the ingredients yet Mike?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))
¡¡¡ (click for more details)

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Brennan and the stasi coming for libertarians

‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…


From: via LPSF Forum
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

[] dennz
January 21

My buddy Royce is coming over to help.


¡¡¡ (click for more details)

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Good to hear from you – I followed the link you posted and read the short piece.

I would encourage you and others though to start new threads under new subject lines when posting about matters unrelated to those in the message to which you’re responding (as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with Mike Denny’s group feeding the homeless).

Also desirable when possible, imho, is to focus not just on lamenting or warning about stuff in the news, but providing possible libertarian solutions or responses. Especially what we can do as activists at the local level. (Speaking of local, by the way, are you the Paul Kelley who lives in Marin? I was recently contacted by someone who might be interested in helping get an LP chapter going again there. Either way of course, you and others outside SF are always welcome to participate in this forum and attend LPSF meetings.)

So anyway, I get that torture apologist John Brennan is warning that intelligence agencies investigating the pro-Trump Capitol Hill rioters are coming after “even libertarians”. Any thoughts on what if anything we should do with this information?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Jan 21, 2021, at 2:10 PM, Paul Kelley via LPSF Forum wrote:

January 21
Brennan and the stasi coming for libertarians

Economic Collapse News – 21 Jan 21

‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after…

Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

[]‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

Cool, Mike. Are the lunches (some at least) vegetarian, preferably vegan? I’m potentially up to help, but prefer not to work with meat. There are a growing number of delicious plant-based meat substitutes out there.

I would urge you for next time (if too late for this time) to consider buying veg*n ingredients for this worthwhile project, as healthier and more ethically and environmentally-responsibly sourced (even if you may prefer meat /dairy in your own diet). There is abundant evidence and fairly strong agreement on this, even among meat-eaters – I’ve cited a few sources below.

For a deeper dive, I recommend the documentary films “Forks Over Knives” on the health reasons a plant-based diet is better, and “Cowspiracy” on the environmental costs of meat-eating. Also “From Farm To Fridge” (less than 12 minutes long –, on the ethical treatment of factory-farmed animals.

"Analysis published in the journal Sustainability from University of Bath Psychology PhD student Chris Bryant suggests that 73% of meat eaters surveyed considered veganism to be ‘ethical’, 70% said it was good for the environment and half (50%) considered it healthy. 60% thought veganism was ‘acceptable’.
By contrast, over 80% of respondents thought veganism was not easy, 77% thought it ‘inconvenient’ and over 60% thought it was not enjoyable. Attitudes from respondents towards vegetarianism were significantly more positive on almost all counts.

The study, which involved 1,000 men and women with an average age of 34, was conducted in September 2018."

– From Most meat eaters support veganism as 'ethical' and good for the environment | ScienceDaily

"‘We showed that the same dietary changes that can add about a decade to our lives can also prevent massive environmental damage,’ said Tilman, a professor in UM’s College of Biological Sciences and resident fellow at the Institute on the Environment.
‘In particular, if the world were to adopt variations on three common diets, health would be greatly increased at the same time global greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by an amount equal to the current greenhouse gas emissions of all cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships. In addition, this dietary shift would prevent the destruction of an area of tropical forests and savannahs as large as half of the United States.’

The study compared health impacts of the global omnivorous diet with those reported for traditional Mediterranean, pescatarian and vegetarian diets. Adopting these alternative diets could reduce incidence of type II diabetes by about 25 percent, cancer by about 10 percent and death from heart disease by about 20 percent relative to the omnivore diet.

Adopting these or similar alternative diets would also prevent most or all of the increased greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction that would otherwise be caused by both dietary changes and increased global population."

– From [NOTE: I am not particularly concerned about “greenhouse gas” emissions, but I am concerned about wilderness/habitat destruction and species extinction –Starchild]

“The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment - from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork. The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is a significant contributor to deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals in Europe. This land contributes to developing world malnutrition by driving impoverished populations to grow cash crops for animal feed, rather than food for themselves. On the other hand, considerably lower quantities of crops and water are required to sustain a vegan diet…”

– From

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Jan 21, 2021, at 8:59 AM, via LPSF Forum wrote:

January 21
My buddy Royce is coming over to help.


¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To

January 21
Have you bought the ingredients yet Mike? Love & Liberty, ((( starchild ))) ¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Previous Replies

January 21


¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
Have you bought the ingredients yet Mike?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
I am making 50 fabulous lunches for the homeless at my home this Saturday at 9AM

Come help and demonstrate Libertarian volunteerism

Address is

3329 Cabrlillo Street @ 34th ave.
SF, CA 94121

Michael Denny
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
No On Prop A

Bad SF Bonds

(415) 608-0269

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

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Righty-o, the former chair of the marin county LP. I’ve received a flurry of emails over the past few days from SFLP, so when I saw this latest piece of Brennan Stasi police state propaganda, thought y’all might find it interesting - didn’t notice different threads. Solutions? Politics has failed. Lots of ‘blame Trump’ going around, but the deep state controls everything. They’re not going anywhere unless americans remove them. Even Trump’s scotus appointees stabbed him in the back. There are solutions in the constitution and declaration of independence…


From: Starchild via LPSF Forum
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:37 PM
Subject: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

[] Starchild
January 21


Good to hear from you – I followed the link you posted and read the short piece.

I would encourage you and others though to start new threads under new subject lines when posting about matters unrelated to those in the message to which you’re responding (as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with Mike Denny’s group feeding the homeless).

Also desirable when possible, imho, is to focus not just on lamenting or warning about stuff in the news, but providing possible libertarian solutions or responses. Especially what we can do as activists at the local level. (Speaking of local, by the way, are you the Paul Kelley who lives in Marin? I was recently contacted by someone who might be interested in helping get an LP chapter going again there. Either way of course, you and others outside SF are always welcome to participate in this forum and attend LPSF meetings.)

So anyway, I get that torture apologist John Brennan is warning that intelligence agencies investigating the pro-Trump Capitol Hill rioters are coming after “even libertarians”. Any thoughts on what if anything we should do with this information?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)

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Thanks, Paul. I wouldn’t describe the Supreme Court ruling upholding state-level election results as Trump’s appointees “stab(bing) him in the back” though – considering they don’t even have constitutional jurisdiction to overturn state-reported election results, it was clearly the correct ruling. Further, not only are his appointees not obliged to vote the way he wanted them to, but it would clearly be a major breach of judicial ethics for them to base their rulings on any such consideration.

Trump deserves plenty of the blame he’s gotten, and of course Biden and others do as well. It’s still kind of head-spinning to realize that local corruption kingpin Willie Brown’s former mistress Kamala Harris, who I briefly debated in a CNN news clip when she was fighting as SF’s district attorney to keep prostitution criminalized here back in 2008 in the face of our ballot measure to decriminalize it (despite once telling the Harvey Milk Club she should be considered an “honorary sex worker”), is now one weak heartbeat away from being president of the United States.

Regarding “threads”, I was mostly just referring to the subject line title – which I forgot to change myself when replying to you!

Would you be interested in helping get the Marin LP up and running again? Which city are you in up there, btw?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Jan 21, 2021, at 4:10 PM, Paul Kelley via LPSF Forum wrote:

January 22
Righty-o, the former chair of the marin county LP. I’ve received a flurry of emails over the past few days from SFLP, so when I saw this latest piece of Brennan Stasi police state propaganda, thought y’all might find it interesting - didn’t notice different threads. Solutions? Politics has failed. Lots of ‘blame Trump’ going around, but the deep state controls everything. They’re not going anywhere unless americans remove them. Even Trump’s scotus appointees stabbed him in the back. There are solutions in the constitution and declaration of independence…

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To

January 21
Paul, Good to hear from you – I followed the link you posted and read the short piece. I would encourage you and others though to start new threads under new subject lines when posting about matters unrelated to those in the message to which you’re responding (as far as I can tell, this has nothin…
Previous Replies

January 21
Cool, Mike. Are the lunches (some at least) vegetarian, preferably vegan? I’m potentially up to help, but prefer not to work with meat. There are a growing number of delicious plant-based meat substitutes out there.

I would urge you for next time (if too late for this time) to consider buying veg*n ingredients for this worthwhile project, as healthier and more ethically and environmentally-responsibly sourced (even if you may prefer meat /dairy in your own diet). There is abundant evidence and fairly strong agreement on this, even among meat-eaters – I’ve cited a few sources below.

For a deeper dive, I recommend the documentary films “Forks Over Knives” on the health reasons a plant-based diet is better, and “Cowspiracy” on the environmental costs of meat-eating. Also “From Farm To Fridge” (less than 12 minutes long – From Farm To Fridge - Have mercy on animals - YouTube), on the ethical treatment of factory-farmed animals.

"Analysis published in the journal Sustainability from University of Bath Psychology PhD student Chris Bryant suggests that 73% of meat eaters surveyed considered veganism to be ‘ethical’, 70% said it was good for the environment and half (50%) considered it healthy. 60% thought veganism was ‘acceptable’.
By contrast, over 80% of respondents thought veganism was not easy, 77% thought it ‘inconvenient’ and over 60% thought it was not enjoyable. Attitudes from respondents towards vegetarianism were significantly more positive on almost all counts.

The study, which involved 1,000 men and women with an average age of 34, was conducted in September 2018."

– From Most meat eaters support veganism as ‘ethical’ and good for the environment – ScienceDaily

"‘We showed that the same dietary changes that can add about a decade to our lives can also prevent massive environmental damage,’ said Tilman, a professor in UM’s College of Biological Sciences and resident fellow at the Institute on the Environment.
‘In particular, if the world were to adopt variations on three common diets, health would be greatly increased at the same time global greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by an amount equal to the current greenhouse gas emissions of all cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships. In addition, this dietary shift would prevent the destruction of an area of tropical forests and savannahs as large as half of the United States.’

The study compared health impacts of the global omnivorous diet with those reported for traditional Mediterranean, pescatarian and vegetarian diets. Adopting these alternative diets could reduce incidence of type II diabetes by about 25 percent, cancer by about 10 percent and death from heart disease by about 20 percent relative to the omnivore diet.

Adopting these or similar alternative diets would also prevent most or all of the increased greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction that would otherwise be caused by both dietary changes and increased global population."

– From New Research Says Plant-based Diet Best for Planet and People - Our World [NOTE: I am not particularly concerned about “greenhouse gas” emissions, but I am concerned about wilderness/habitat destruction and species extinction –Starchild]

“The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment - from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork. The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is a significant contributor to deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals in Europe. This land contributes to developing world malnutrition by driving impoverished populations to grow cash crops for animal feed, rather than food for themselves. On the other hand, considerably lower quantities of crops and water are required to sustain a vegan diet…”

– From

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21

Good to hear from you – I followed the link you posted and read the short piece.

I would encourage you and others though to start new threads under new subject lines when posting about matters unrelated to those in the message to which you’re responding (as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with Mike Denny’s group feeding the homeless).

Also desirable when possible, imho, is to focus not just on lamenting or warning about stuff in the news, but providing possible libertarian solutions or responses. Especially what we can do as activists at the local level. (Speaking of local, by the way, are you the Paul Kelley who lives in Marin? I was recently contacted by someone who might be interested in helping get an LP chapter going again there. Either way of course, you and others outside SF are always welcome to participate in this forum and attend LPSF meetings.)

So anyway, I get that torture apologist John Brennan is warning that intelligence agencies investigating the pro-Trump Capitol Hill rioters are coming after “even libertarians”. Any thoughts on what if anything we should do with this information?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
Brennan and the stasi coming for libertarians

Economic Collapse News – 21 Jan 21

‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after…

Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

[]‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
My buddy Royce is coming over to help.


¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21


¡¡¡ (click for more details)
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Okay, it wasn’t my imagination. I did change the subject line – and Discourse changed it back to “Libertarians Feeding the Homeless”. I know because it just happened a second time. And this message I am posting with the subject line “Former CIA director’s remarks about going after ‘even libertarians’” – but I’ll bet it doesn’t post that way.

Again Jeff I hope this is something you can get fixed. It’s a bummer that so many problems with the email interface are cropping up.

Anyway, it turns out that the Libertarian National Committee is also discussing this comment of John Brennan’s. Apparently the Colorado LP put out a hard-hitting resolution about it. See forwarded message below.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 21, 2021 6:16:59 PM PST
To: Libertarian National Committee list, State Chair
Cc: Caryn Ann Harlos
Subject: [Lnc-votes] [Lnc-business] Fwd: A letter to the President of the United States

I think we should run this on the national website.

  • In Liberty,*

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Victoria Reynolds
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 7:13 PM
Subject: A letter to the President of the United States
To: GROUP - Board


Contact: Joshua Lallement
Phone number: (303) 837-9393

President-elect Joe Biden,

Last week, I wrote a letter that asked you to be a President whose purpose
was to end the national division and bring peace to our land.

Today, John Brennan, former CIA Director said that you, and members of your
team are now “moving in laser-like fashion, to try to uncover as much as
they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve
seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and
they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of
religious extremists — so authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists,
nativists, and even libertarians.”

President Biden, do you condone the words of John Brennan?

Do you believe that the people who asked you to follow the non-aggression
principle and bring peace to our land are the enemy?

If so, woe to your administration and to everyone who was foolish enough to
believe in you.

And woe to you for trusting a former CIA director.

Libertarians have not spied on our enemies, ordered assassinations, toppled
foreign governments, and orchestrated the bombing of civilians to achieve
political power.


We remain a powerless political party while, it appears people like John
Brennan create a tailwind to glide former vice presidents into power.

Is this what the Democrats really wanted? To win the election so the CIA
could be in charge of America?

If so, when does the power grab stop? Does it stop once the Libertarian
Party has been silenced? Does it stop once the Green Party has been
silenced? Does it stop when anyone who disagrees with the CIA has been

Does it stop when you have been silenced, Mr. President?

Yes, because that’s how the CIA rolls.

Shall we discuss the grievances the people of Guatemala or the Dominican
Republic have with the CIA? Or the Democratic Republic of Congo? Is it just
brown and black people the CIA hates?

Libertarians do not overthrow governments.

The CIA overthrows governments.

John Brennan overthrows governments.

But, John Brennan does not overthrow white governments, does he?

Mr. President, if John Brennan is your representative then you should hang
your head in shame to America.

Libertarians asked you to end the national division and bring peace to our

In response, the CIA director, who helped orchestrate coups against foreign
governments named Libertarians as someone your team wants to destroy.

If that is not shameful, what is?


In Liberty,

Victoria ReynoldsChairman
Libertarian Party of Colorado
FB: Libertarian Party of Colorado

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On Jan 21, 2021, at 4:49 PM, Starchild via LPSF Forum wrote:

January 22
Thanks, Paul. I wouldn’t describe the Supreme Court ruling upholding state-level election results as Trump’s appointees “stab(bing) him in the back” though – considering they don’t even have constitutional jurisdiction to overturn state-reported election results, it was clearly the correct ruling. Further, not only are his appointees not obliged to vote the way he wanted them to, but it would clearly be a major breach of judicial ethics for them to base their rulings on any such consideration.

Trump deserves plenty of the blame he’s gotten, and of course Biden and others do as well. It’s still kind of head-spinning to realize that local corruption kingpin Willie Brown’s former mistress Kamala Harris, who I briefly debated in a CNN news clip when she was fighting as SF’s district attorney to keep prostitution criminalized here back in 2008 in the face of our ballot measure to decriminalize it (despite once telling the Harvey Milk Club she should be considered an “honorary sex worker”), is now one weak heartbeat away from being president of the United States.

Regarding “threads”, I was mostly just referring to the subject line title – which I forgot to change myself when replying to you!

Would you be interested in helping get the Marin LP up and running again? Which city are you in up there, btw?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To

January 22
Righty-o, the former chair of the marin county LP. I’ve received a flurry of emails over the past few days from SFLP, so when I saw this latest piece of Brennan Stasi police state propaganda, thought y’all might find it interesting - didn’t notice different threads. Solutions? Politics has failed. …
Previous Replies

January 22
Righty-o, the former chair of the marin county LP. I’ve received a flurry of emails over the past few days from SFLP, so when I saw this latest piece of Brennan Stasi police state propaganda, thought y’all might find it interesting - didn’t notice different threads. Solutions? Politics has failed. Lots of ‘blame Trump’ going around, but the deep state controls everything. They’re not going anywhere unless americans remove them. Even Trump’s scotus appointees stabbed him in the back. There are solutions in the constitution and declaration of independence…

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
Cool, Mike. Are the lunches (some at least) vegetarian, preferably vegan? I’m potentially up to help, but prefer not to work with meat. There are a growing number of delicious plant-based meat substitutes out there.

I would urge you for next time (if too late for this time) to consider buying veg*n ingredients for this worthwhile project, as healthier and more ethically and environmentally-responsibly sourced (even if you may prefer meat /dairy in your own diet). There is abundant evidence and fairly strong agreement on this, even among meat-eaters – I’ve cited a few sources below.

For a deeper dive, I recommend the documentary films “Forks Over Knives” on the health reasons a plant-based diet is better, and “Cowspiracy” on the environmental costs of meat-eating. Also “From Farm To Fridge” (less than 12 minutes long – From Farm To Fridge - Have mercy on animals - YouTube), on the ethical treatment of factory-farmed animals.

"Analysis published in the journal Sustainability from University of Bath Psychology PhD student Chris Bryant suggests that 73% of meat eaters surveyed considered veganism to be ‘ethical’, 70% said it was good for the environment and half (50%) considered it healthy. 60% thought veganism was ‘acceptable’.
By contrast, over 80% of respondents thought veganism was not easy, 77% thought it ‘inconvenient’ and over 60% thought it was not enjoyable. Attitudes from respondents towards vegetarianism were significantly more positive on almost all counts.

The study, which involved 1,000 men and women with an average age of 34, was conducted in September 2018."

– From Most meat eaters support veganism as ‘ethical’ and good for the environment – ScienceDaily

"‘We showed that the same dietary changes that can add about a decade to our lives can also prevent massive environmental damage,’ said Tilman, a professor in UM’s College of Biological Sciences and resident fellow at the Institute on the Environment.
‘In particular, if the world were to adopt variations on three common diets, health would be greatly increased at the same time global greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by an amount equal to the current greenhouse gas emissions of all cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships. In addition, this dietary shift would prevent the destruction of an area of tropical forests and savannahs as large as half of the United States.’

The study compared health impacts of the global omnivorous diet with those reported for traditional Mediterranean, pescatarian and vegetarian diets. Adopting these alternative diets could reduce incidence of type II diabetes by about 25 percent, cancer by about 10 percent and death from heart disease by about 20 percent relative to the omnivore diet.

Adopting these or similar alternative diets would also prevent most or all of the increased greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction that would otherwise be caused by both dietary changes and increased global population."

– From New Research Says Plant-based Diet Best for Planet and People - Our World [NOTE: I am not particularly concerned about “greenhouse gas” emissions, but I am concerned about wilderness/habitat destruction and species extinction –Starchild]

“The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment - from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork. The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is a significant contributor to deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals in Europe. This land contributes to developing world malnutrition by driving impoverished populations to grow cash crops for animal feed, rather than food for themselves. On the other hand, considerably lower quantities of crops and water are required to sustain a vegan diet…”

– From

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21

Good to hear from you – I followed the link you posted and read the short piece.

I would encourage you and others though to start new threads under new subject lines when posting about matters unrelated to those in the message to which you’re responding (as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with Mike Denny’s group feeding the homeless).

Also desirable when possible, imho, is to focus not just on lamenting or warning about stuff in the news, but providing possible libertarian solutions or responses. Especially what we can do as activists at the local level. (Speaking of local, by the way, are you the Paul Kelley who lives in Marin? I was recently contacted by someone who might be interested in helping get an LP chapter going again there. Either way of course, you and others outside SF are always welcome to participate in this forum and attend LPSF meetings.)

So anyway, I get that torture apologist John Brennan is warning that intelligence agencies investigating the pro-Trump Capitol Hill rioters are coming after “even libertarians”. Any thoughts on what if anything we should do with this information?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
Brennan and the stasi coming for libertarians

Economic Collapse News – 21 Jan 21

‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after…

Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

[]‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
‘EVEN LIBERTARIANS’: John Brennan warns Biden intel community is coming after you | Economic Collapse News
Let the purge begin? John Brennan, the torture-loving deep state warmonger who is loved by the left now because he opposed former President Donald Trump, is warning that the state is coming for you…

¡¡¡ (click for more details)
January 21
My buddy Royce is coming over to help.


¡¡¡ (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

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To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

1 Like

Hi @Starchild, we’ve discussed this issue at Changing email subject line should start a new post . On that topic, I shared a workaround for changing the subject.

I also linked to the discussion I’m having with the Discourse developers. Infuriatingly, the founder replied, “This is rather intentional at the moment. … If someone wants to start a new topic, they should send a new email.” I made a case for how it’s the wrong behavior, but the founder checked out of the conversation.

In any case, I should be able to eventually address the problem with a plugin. If anyone wants to help develop it, please let me know!


3329 Cabrillo St @34th ave





From: Starchild via LPSF Forum
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 3:52 PM
Subject: [LPSF Forum] [Discussion] Libertarians Feeding the Homeless

January 21

Cool, Mike. Are the lunches (some at least) vegetarian, preferably vegan? I’m potentially up to help, but prefer not to work with meat. There are a growing number of delicious plant-based meat substitutes out there.

I would urge you for next time (if too late for this time) to consider buying veg*n ingredients for this worthwhile project, as healthier and more ethically and environmentally-responsibly sourced (even if you may prefer meat /dairy in your own diet). There is abundant evidence and fairly strong agreement on this, even among meat-eaters – I’ve cited a few sources below.

For a deeper dive, I recommend the documentary films “Forks Over Knives” on the health reasons a plant-based diet is better, and “Cowspiracy” on the environmental costs of meat-eating. Also “From Farm To Fridge” (less than 12 minutes long – From Farm To Fridge - Have mercy on animals - YouTube, on the ethical treatment of factory-farmed animals.

"Analysis published in the journal Sustainability from University of Bath Psychology PhD student Chris Bryant suggests that 73% of meat eaters surveyed considered veganism to be ‘ethical’, 70% said it was good for the environment and half (50%) considered it healthy. 60% thought veganism was ‘acceptable’.
By contrast, over 80% of respondents thought veganism was not easy, 77% thought it ‘inconvenient’ and over 60% thought it was not enjoyable. Attitudes from respondents towards vegetarianism were significantly more positive on almost all counts.

The study, which involved 1,000 men and women with an average age of 34, was conducted in September 2018."

– From Most meat eaters support veganism as ‘ethical’ and good for the environment – ScienceDaily

"‘We showed that the same dietary changes that can add about a decade to our lives can also prevent massive environmental damage,’ said Tilman, a professor in UM’s College of Biological Sciences and resident fellow at the Institute on the Environment.
‘In particular, if the world were to adopt variations on three common diets, health would be greatly increased at the same time global greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by an amount equal to the current greenhouse gas emissions of all cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships. In addition, this dietary shift would prevent the destruction of an area of tropical forests and savannahs as large as half of the United States.’

The study compared health impacts of the global omnivorous diet with those reported for traditional Mediterranean, pescatarian and vegetarian diets. Adopting these alternative diets could reduce incidence of type II diabetes by about 25 percent, cancer by about 10 percent and death from heart disease by about 20 percent relative to the omnivore diet.

Adopting these or similar alternative diets would also prevent most or all of the increased greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction that would otherwise be caused by both dietary changes and increased global population."

– From New Research Says Plant-based Diet Best for Planet and People - Our World [NOTE: I am not particularly concerned about “greenhouse gas” emissions, but I am concerned about wilderness/habitat destruction and species extinction –Starchild]

“The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment - from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork. The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is a significant contributor to deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals in Europe. This land contributes to developing world malnutrition by driving impoverished populations to grow cash crops for animal feed, rather than food for themselves. On the other hand, considerably lower quantities of crops and water are required to sustain a vegan diet…”

– From

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))
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