February 18
Here’s a related issue I would like to address:
Request: Reply to Individual Poster. Reply-All to Forum / Mailing List Site Feedback
This came up in the other conversation today. Yahoo! Groups and Discourse work the same way: replying to a post sends it to the entire forum / mailing list. I’d prefer an email “reply” to be sent as a private message / email to the user, whereas “reply-all” should be posted to the forum / mailing list. I created a topic on Discourse’s Discourse forum to request this as an option.
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Previous Replies
February 18
Hi Starchild,
people often respond multiple times in the same thread without changing the subject line
Usually, you can respond as many times you want with the same subject line.
The forum detects replies by, when you reply to a forum message, the reply-to email address is actually, rather than, which creates a new topic.
I guess you added to the email, right? In that case, it would get added to the email thread, but the forum would always get correspondence sent to lpsf-activists@ rather than reply-some-unique-id@.
So, DIscourse thought you were trying to create a new post, and sent you an error message because the subject was already used.
You have a good use case though. Looking through the settings, I see:
find related post with key [√] Only use the ‘reply key’ to find the replied-to post. WARNING: disabling this allows user impersonation based on email address.
Trying to figure out what that means, I came across this. So, disabling that setting should allow me to add an email like
I’m not sure if it would detect replies to the regular emails by matching the subject if the option is disabled but we don’t add a secondary non-key reply email. Let’s try it out!
I moved this post to the Site Feedback category.
February 17
FYI… A new variety of error message! Seems like this one could come up often, as people often respond multiple times in the same thread without changing the subject line. I would suggest we get rid of that rule if possible.
What I was trying to send is copied below.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
From: LPSF Forum
Date: February 16, 2021 4:30:30 PM PST
Subject: [LPSF Forum] Email issue – Posting error
Reply-To: LPSF Forum
We’re sorry, but your email message to [“”] (titled Re: The Platform Committee has now been populated) didn’t work.
Title has already been used
If you can correct the problem, please try again.
On Feb 16, 2021, at 4:30 PM, Starchild wrote:
Hi Mimi,
No, that’s correct, except Jeff’s last name is spelled “Yunes”. I responded before looking at the rest of my emails and seeing Jeff’s message to you. Sorry for the confusion.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Feb 16, 2021, at 4:23 PM, Mimi Robson wrote:
I was already notified that Jeffrey Yund was the primary representative and Gregory Michael was the alternate, and they have both been included in the committee and listed on the website. Was this incorrect?
Mimi Robson
Libertarian Party of California
(916) 446-1776 Ext. 3
From: Starchild []
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 4:05 PM
To: Mimi Robson
Cc: Brent Olsen;; Platform Committee; LPSF Activists List; Richard Fast
Subject: Re: The Platform Committee has now been populated
Hi Mimi,
I'm the only one from San Francisco who volunteered other than Richard Fast who's already representing Contra Costa county, so I'll be the Platform Committee representative for our county.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
(415) 625-FREE
On Feb 16, 2021, at 12:29 PM, Mimi Robson wrote:
Dear County Officers,
Per the Bylaw 15, Section 3, the Counties must select their representatives for this committee 90 days prior to the convention, and that date was February 13, 2021. We received notification from only 13 counties with information of their representatives (and alternates), with one county stating the decided to opt out of appointing a representative. The counties that responded with representatives are: Butte, Contra Costa, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara and Sonoma.
If you county responded and are not listed please respond ASAP with your representatives and alternates and the date that they were selected. The committee will be holding its initial meeting very soon, so you will need to respond prior to that meeting occurring.
In Liberty,
I was already notified that Jeffrey Yund was the primary representative and Gregory Michael was the alternate, and they have both been included in the committee and listed on the website. Was this incorrect?
Mimi Robson
Libertarian Party of California
(916) 446-1776 Ext. 3
From: Starchild []
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 4:05 PM
To: Mimi Robson
Cc: Brent Olsen;; Platform Committee; LPSF Activists List; Richard Fast
Subject: Re: The Platform Committee has now been populated
Hi Mimi,
I'm the only one from San Francisco who volunteered other than Richard Fast who's already representing Contra Costa county, so I'll be the Platform Committee representative for our county.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
(415) 625-FREE
On Feb 16, 2021, at 12:29 PM, Mimi Robson wrote:
Dear County Officers,
Per the Bylaw 15, Section 3, the Counties must select their representatives for this committee 90 days prior to the convention, and that date was February 13, 2021. We received notification from only 13 counties with information of their representatives (and alternates), with one county stating the decided to opt out of appointing a representative. The counties that responded with representatives are: Butte, Contra Costa, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara and Sonoma.
If you county responded and are not listed please respond ASAP with your representatives and alternates and the date that they were selected. The committee will be holding its initial meeting very soon, so you will need to respond prior to that meeting occurring.
In Liberty,
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