Hi Shawn,
Thank you for your message and interest in promoting freedom at UC Berkeley. Did you know there is already a libertarian student group, a chapter of the nationwide group Students for Liberty, at UC Berkeley? Not that there can't be two, certainly, but perhaps it might be more effective to combine your efforts? Either way however, I'm happy to do what I can to support your efforts and try to bring UC students together with (L)ibertarians in the community so we can assist each other in our mutual goal of spreading the message of support for both civil liberties and economic freedom, and getting public policies based on these ideas enacted. As with Students for Liberty, I would be happy to come and speak to your group if you go ahead with starting a separate YAL chapter and are interested in having me, and hopefully S4L and YAL will also work together harmoniously to your mutual benefit and to the benefit of our cause. I hope you don't mind I've copied the co-presidents of the S4L chapter at Berkeley on this email, as well as our local LPSF activist list, so you can be in touch with each other. Again assuming you do go ahead with starting this new group, I encourage you to set up an email list for events, announcements, and discussion which anyone (UC student or not) can subscribe to and participate on, as I believe this is key to cross-pollination between UC libertarians and the libertarian community outside campus. Please send me your phone number when you get a chance, and feel free to get in touch any time.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee
(415) 625-FREE