YAL Chapter at San Francisco State

Are you aware that there is now a libertarian club at San Francisco State University?

On Saturday, Students for Liberty had a conference at Berkeley. One of the speakers was Niike Andino, a senior studying PoliSci at SF State. He discussed the activities of the Young Americans for Liberty chapter he runs; it seems quite active.

If this is news to LPSF, maybe it would idea to get in touch and possibly support the group.

Niike's email address is niikeandino[at]yahoo[dot]com

The chapter page on YAL's web site is: San Francisco State University | Young Americans for Liberty http://www.yaliberty.org/chapters/san-francisco-state-university


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Hi Marc,

  Thanks! Yes, I've been aware of this since last year (I think they first got going in fall of 2013), and we've talked about it at the LPSF. I've offered to speak to their group and help with tabling and such, and tried to encourage them to come to LPSF meetings. So far this stuff hasn't happened, but hopefully will. I stopped by the Berkeley conference briefly yesterday and talked with Niike and Reem (one of the other SFSU YAL members). She and I are supposed to have coffee sometime this week; I'm hoping she may be willing to help with organizing the SF Liberty Coalition thing I'm wanting to get going as a monthly event series focused on giving a platform to people who take pro-freedom positions on different local political issues.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))


That's great. Sorry I missed you at SFL, but I am glad that you are in contact with these folks.
