Thank you for the introduction. 
Your point is very much on track and the objective of most of my rhetoric. There is another dimension of understanding to develop here, very much related to WHO WE ARE in relationship to the various conditions we face. So far, most of us are serfs by mentality, having been ceaselessly conditioned from childhood, and coerced into compliance as adults.
Otherwise there is no way we would tolerate even the first unfavorable condition we discuss here without end. But as it is, our discussion of the many absolutely intolerable conditions is the way we tolerate them all, like serfs. And we have been tolerating the intolerable for decades, passing it along to the next generation.
In stark contrast between most of us and the Founders, they saw fit to mention the body of intolerable conditions only ONCE and then only AFTER they had made their declaration of what they had ALREADY done about it, with transportation and communication by foot and horseback.
If we were half of WHO THEY WERE, this bureaucratic party would be over in 90 days. OVER!!
They left the protection of their methods as their legacy in the Bill of Rights. If we continue to fiddle-around until those are gone, we will have been the most disgraceful excuses for human beings in the history of civilization.
Especially when it doesn't take that many, like the Founders to make the difference. 0.1% of the population in California is 40,000 individuals. Can you imagine 40,000 Patrick Henry's, Thomas Paine's, John Hancock's, Thomas Jefferson's, Sam Adam's, et al? The FUR WOULD FLY!!!
So this begs the question, "What does it take to create people like the Founders?"
As a matter of fact, it is the only question that matters, after what needs to done by the few who are already moving in that direction.
This is the real superbowl. The game yesterday is child'splay in comparison.
And just like the game yesterday, it will be won or lost by a few players and millions of spectators who will all go home with the results.
What does it take to create those players?
Or are we so stupified by the socialist kool-aide we can't even play, thinking if we cheer enough, our side will win?
I think we're waking up.
From: lpsfactivists <amarcyb@...>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:42 AM
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Re: Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings
I liked the article, thank you Mike! In response, here are some more questions. How is this scenario different than that portrayed in the old movie "Citizen Kane?". If you had tons of money, would you be so crazy as to keep it in the US where it would be all taxed away? How is personal debt the fault of these "secret" folk -- just don't buy what you can't afford? How is sovereign debt not connected to buying what we can't afford -- just quit the cradle to grave programs and endless wars? What would be the suggestion of the article's author -- forced wealth distribution? Who is it that does not know about the concentration of wealth in the hands of those folks mentioned in the article?
Yes, absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of common people today are in the same position as they often are, and will probably remain -- vassals in a feudal world. It does not matter if the feudal lord that "takes care" of them are called kings, lords, majority share owner, or Congressmen. As long as we have vassals who are not willing or capable to be entirely self sufficient, we will have those who will gladly volunteer to enslave them
It would seem to me that if anyone is serious about "getting our liberty back" (not my words), maybe changing the vassal mentality might be essential to success. But how is that doable!?!
An answer to Marcy's question about who "They" are.
The Economic Collapse
Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings
[\]By Michael, on January 29th, 2013
[Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Are Pulling The Strings] Does a shadowy group of obscenely wealthy elitists control the world? Do men and women with enormous amounts of money really run the world from behind the scenes? The answer might surprise you. Most of us tend to think of money as a convenient way to conduct transactions, but the truth is that it also represents power and control. And today we live in a neo-fuedalist system in which the super rich pull all the strings. When I am talking about the ultra-wealthy, I am not just talking about people that have a few million dollars. As you will see later in this article, the ultra-wealthy have enough money sitting in offshore banks to buy all of the goods and services produced in the United States during the course of an entire year and still be able to pay off the entire U.S. national debt. That is an amount of money so large that it is almost
incomprehensible. Under this ne0-feudalist system, all the rest of us are debt slaves, including our own governments. Just look around - everyone is drowning in debt, and all of that debt is making the ultra-wealthy even wealthier. But the ultra-wealthy don't just sit on all of that wealth. They use some of it to dominate the affairs of the nations. The ultra-wealthy own virtually every major bank and every major corporation on the planet. They use a vast network of secret societies, think tanks and charitable organizations to advance their agendas and to keep their members in line. They control how we view the world through their ownership of the media and their dominance over our education system. They fund the campaigns of most of our politicians and they exert a tremendous amount of influence over international organizations such as the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. When you step back and take a look at the big
picture, there is little doubt about who runs the world. It is just that most people don't want to admit the truth.