I read the article, "Libertarians Who Loathe Israel". I agreed with both its premise and conclusion.
And, while I usually agree with Mister Hornberger, I disagree with him on this one.
In his article, Jacob only underlines further how many people, including (inexplicably) Libertarians,
do loath Israel. These people, as far as I can tell, are acting emotionally and not intellectually, ignoring
the facts and history. My explanation to those who ask me why this is, and I do get asked it a lot is:
Libertarians are used to being the underdog and championing the cause of the underdog.
We're in the minority politically, big picture. We're in the minority too, on most issues we hold dear.
Because of this, it's easy for us to identify with and support those we perceive as the underdog.
The shame of it all is that we've been fooled into this very perception by the same anti-truth, anti-fact
and anti-freedom press that we've come to mistrust and dislike.
Why is it, I'm asked, that these same Libertarians can read between the lines when it comes to the news
in general, but they're so easily fooled when it comes to the subject of Israel? Well, I just can't explain how
we get the wool pulled over our eyes so easily on this one.
Even when presented with the facts and the history on the subject, Libertarians in general tend to rabidly
stick to the anti-Israel view of things. I've sat down with the founder of the Libertarian Party, the (Libertarian)
once chief Economist for the United States and my current Regional LP (Orange County) Chair and explained
things to them. Now these people are smart, clever and logical Libertarians. But, when presented with the
history and facts, their eyes grow wide, they grow surprised, and they to a man say, 'It just can't be so,
what you say, Bruce'. 'If those really are the facts, then you're right; but I just can't believe it'.
The facts are clear that Israel as a country is the legal and moral possessor of the land. As an Atheist Jew,
I hold short shrift for those who use the religious argument supporting ownership of anything, much less
Israel. However, following the timeline, from the Jews, to the Romans, to the Jews, to the Ottomans, to the
Jews (today) and understanding the times and transitions between supports the countries claim to the land,
under every border ever drawn since 1917. Forget the so-called 'pre-1967' borders. The correct lines would
include all of present day Jordan, illegally annexed away by Britain. Every inch of current Israel and more,
belongs to that country and its citizens. They are entitled to protect their borders and their safety, just as we are.
No Libertarian 'open borders' argument can rightfully make a case that diseased or criminal people ought to be
allowed to immigrate into a country against its will. And yes, the majority of the Arab population now central to
this problem are illegal immigrants.
For those wanting a bit of historical support can go to Amazon and find an exhaustively researched book
by Joan Peters, called From Time Immemorial. For those preferring a shorter version of the facts, the web
holds a wonderful synopsis of the issue called: Myths & Facts Online, A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, By
Mitchell G. Bard. And then there is The History if Israel in a Nutshell at: http://www.infoclick.org/nutshell3.html
Jacob Hornberger, normally a reasoned and calm writer, loses his cool when we writes this most recent article
we're discussing. No one is making an issue of Libertarians political positions on domestic or international
policy. We are making an issue of a lack of common sense or fairness when it comes to this particular issue.
We'd be happy to discuss the facts and history with those that disagree with us, point by point.
We'd even agree to disagree on the issue, though unhappily.
There are many respected and respectable Libertarians that agree with me, most not Jewish.
We're not anti-Libertarian philosophically, and don't support foreign aid anywhere in the world,
much less in the Middle East. We do however, realize that Israel is an ally of freedom,
being the only free country in the region. Those of you that have read me previously on this topic know
I can go on at great length about this, covering women's rights, the right to vote, property rights, the
rule of law and freedom of speech, Israel being the only country in the region granting these.
As Libertarians, we can scarce afford to be wrong on the facts, much less be on the wrong side of history.
As a group, let's re-examine the issue, as friends, to come up with a more realistic and positive approach
to people that really are our friends and allies.
In point of fact, it's only that Israel is the freest country in the region that they still survive.
Paradoxically, it's that they're so successful that so many want a piece of her.
And, Libertarians promoting Israel's success as a free country will lead not only to peace,
but to the eventual embracing of that same philosophy by our and Israel's enemies,
seeking a better life for their families.
Let's not encourage their enemies by rewarding bad behavior.
Copyright September 2003, Bruce Cohen
All rights reserved.
No part of this article can be reproduced in any means without the express written permission by the author.
Permission is granted to post to Internet discussion groups in it's entirety.