Where Are The Libertarian Women???

Marcy and Ron,

Men tend to be systemizers, whereas woman tend to be empathizers.

Libertarianism is nothing if it's not a system, whereas the Big Govt types emphasize feel-goodism and compassion, while remaining system-free.

Best, Michael

Michael E.

It has been said, not entirely in jest, that women's suffrage was the beginning of the end for freedom in America, for just the reason you state.

I have no idea if the systemizer/empathizer distinction is true or just an urban legend; and if so, if it is predominantly biological or cultural.

There has obviously been an acceleration in the loss of freedom since 1920 when women't suffrage became part of the federal Constitution (women had the vote in several states before then), but one has to be careful not to confuse correlation with causation.


P.S. This is an interesting review: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women’s_suffrage

Hi Richard,

Actually, our gradual loss of freedom has to do with global warming.

Marcy {:slight_smile:

--- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Newell" <richard@...>

Michael E.

It has been said, not entirely in jest, that women's suffrage was

the beginning of the end for freedom in America, for just the reason
you state.

I have no idea if the systemizer/empathizer distinction is true or

just an urban legend; and if so, if it is predominantly biological or

There has obviously been an acceleration in the loss of freedom

since 1920 when women't suffrage became part of the federal
Constitution (women had the vote in several states before then), but
one has to be careful not to confuse correlation with causation.


P.S. This is an interesting review:

  From: dredelstein@...
  To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 3:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Re: Where Are The Libertarian Women???

  Marcy and Ron,

  Men tend to be systemizers, whereas woman tend to be empathizers.

  Libertarianism is nothing if it's not a system, whereas the Big

Govt types emphasize feel-goodism and compassion, while remaining

  Best, Michael

  From: Amarcy D. Berry
  To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 9:29 PM
  Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Re: Where Are The Libertarian Women???

  Dear Ron and All,

  Thank you for the article! Although it disturbs me when I detect
  stereotyping, I will suspend my judgement right now and engage in
  some stereotyping myself. In my opinion, the reason there are


  women Libertarians is that the Libertarian movement is primarily


  of ideas and debate, not of goals and action; and women are not
  usually inclined to allocate precious, scarce time to the

former. We

  tend to zero in on a problem, find *a* solution, and move on to


  next task. Please note that I say "usually inclined," since the
  author of the article in question is an obvious exception.

  So, how do we get more women to join the Party? Engage in what


  husband Bart disparagingly calls "busy activities." Like


  and successfully executing a campaign to get the San Francisco


  to stop directing traffic around PG&E construction sites and


  instead on serious crime.


  Marcy (one of the few token women in this group)

  --- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@>
  > Dear Everyone;
  > An interesting article from Lew Rockwell about where are the
  Libertarian Women? It is written by a Libertarian woman and


  some insights as to why there aren't very many Libertarian women


  how that could change.
  > Libertarian Women - LewRockwell
  > Ron Getty
  > SF Libertarian
  > The New Feminism
  > by Justine Nicholas
  > by Justine Nicholas
  > Lately, Wilton Alston and Robert Wicks have been writing about


  dearth of black libertarians. Which got me to thinkingâ?¦.what


  > Iâ?Tm talking about female libertarians.
  > Of course, any regular reader of Lew Rockwellâ?Ts site (or


  else who keeps abreast of libertarian discourse) is familiar with
  such able and articulate women as Karen Kwiatkowski, Becky Akers


  Karen De Coster. But ask someone who is less familiar with our
  dialogues and arguments, and you may not hear any other name but


  > As Alston pointed out, libertarianism â?" or any other


  or movement that has staying power â?" is ultimately about ideas,


  personalities. However, a perception still exists that


  are white and male. This prevents many people from exploring,


  less understanding, a way of seeing the world that could free


  from the constraints of conceived preconceptions that they may


  have even known they had.
  > One of those (mis)perceptions is the one that tells us we need
  government intervention to help us improve our lives. Nearly


  woman I know, whatever allegiances she professes, is (mis)guided,
  consciously or not, by this notion.
  > Itâ?Ts easy to see why so many of us have been conditioned to
  accept such an idea. For one thing, feminist movements have
  concentrated mainly on political action and legislation to


  inequity. For those of us who grew up seeing the passage of Title
  Nine and the battle over ERA, the battles always seemed to be


  on the steps, or in the halls of, legislative houses.
  > In retrospect, it seems inevitable that the struggle for gender
  equality played out in such a way. The pioneers of the modern
  feminist movement came along in a time of burgeoning yet still
  ballooning government. As a result, women like me, who came along


  generation or two after Gloria Steinem and her cohorts, saw no


  models for calling attention to, and changing, our situation.
  > At that time, there were very few women in powerful positions


  business or most professions. And, female proprietorship was
  concentrated in "womenâ?Ts" businesses, such as those that


  household and beauty products. No matter how smart or hard-


  you are, youâ?Tre much more likely to climb the ladder and


  the level of success and prosperity you want if thereâ?Ts a


  of people whose circumstances are similar to yours. Such a circle


  friends, so to speak, was nearly non-existent in the business and
  professional worlds of that time.
  > In such a context, perhaps it makes sense that the first modern
  feminists turned their attention to the political and legislative
  arenas. They, like nearly everyone else, understood the world in
  terms of the boundaries inherent in such a framework. Thus,


  they nor anyone else couldâ?Tve had the foresight to see that


  the government their champion and protector would ultimately
  ghettoize them.
  > To comply with legislation, companies and other organizations


  many women for low- and lower-middle-level positions from which


  were never promoted. Consequently, women still donâ?Tt have


  like the "old boyâ?Ts network" to help them advance.
  > As the political and legal landscape Iâ?Tve described was


  shape, a few companies decided, on their own accord, to adapt


  female-friendly policies such as child care leave. They realized


  by excluding "the 51% minority," they were denying themselves


  very valuable workers. What smart executive doesnâ?Tt want the


  and brightest people available working with, or for, him or her?
  Eventually, I think, most companies would have had to come to

such a

  realization, for the growth in areas such as high technology


  outpace universitiesâ?T ability to turn out qualified male


  > What we ended up with, instead, were lots of companies
  hiring "token" females and a loss of opportunities for women â?"
  particularly poor single mothers â?" to rise out of poverty. The


  alternative for many of them, under the circumstances Iâ?Tve
  described, is government handouts. And, as weâ?Tve seen, itâ?Ts


  to devise a better way to keep people "in their place."
  > Another way governments keep people in their thrall is through


  The mediaâ?Ts talking heads can prattle on all they want about
  mommies in the Marines, but the fact of the matter is that those


  profit from war are nearly always men. To my knowledge, companies
  that get the fat government contracts â?" Halliburton and


  come immediately to mind â?" arenâ?Tt owned or run by women. Why
  should we support a system that benefits few, if any of us?
  > Even though the Armed Forces have done better than most


  in hiring and promoting women, very, very few are admirals or
  generals. One reason for this is that the swiftest and surest


  to promotion has always been combat experience. And, until


  such experience has been nearly non-existent among women in


  Why should we support war, an institution that has benefited so


  of us? Even if we put aside the ethical and moral objections many


  us have to war, this should be sufficient reason for us to not


  or depend on war machines, i.e., governments.
  > There are many other reasons why more of us should at least


  what it means to be a libertarian. But Iâ?Tll mention just one


  It was best encapsulated in a bumper sticker one of my professors
  affixed to her Beetle. (That really dates me, doesnâ?Tt it?) It


  Keep Your Laws Off My Body.
  > The whole controversy over abortion has turned into a sad and
  sometimes lurid spectacle of women demanding that legislators

give us

  the right to choose an abortion or to allow us more access to
  information that would enable us to make better choices about our
  health care.
  > The fact of the matter is that legislators (Even today, most


  still male.) wouldnâ?Tt have such power over us if governments
  didnâ?Tt gain the wherewithal to pass or abolish laws regulating


  private lives. They wouldnâ?Tt be able to exert such control over


  if they didnâ?Tt have the symbiotic relationships that they have


  the medical establishment.
  > We have given governments the authority to decide what sort of
  medical care we need, and to regulate the administration of it.


  it almost always does badly. The consequences are even more dire


  women because we live longer than men and need more continuous
  medical care. Men tend to be struck by ailments that kill them
  quickly; we tend to have problems that hang on as we hang on.
  > And I wonâ?Tt get into how the government has kept women needy


  dependent through its mismanagement of â?" and promotion of


  fraud in â?" the psychiatric professions. That would require


  article unto itself. All Iâ?Tll say is that many women have been
  mired in dependence on government programs because of government-
  enabled quackery in this area. The only ones who profit are


  administrators and pharmaceutical company executives.
  > Thinking inside the box of the governmental-military-industrial
  complex ultimately makes us dependent upon, and thus subservient


  men. That is the reason why I have been encouraging women I know


  become more familiar with the shared values of, and disagreements
  among, libertarians.
  > That is also why I â?" and other libertarians â?" have no use


  those who try to tell us that we donâ?Tt need welfare, we need a


  We donâ?Tt need either. But if I had to choose between having one


  the other between my sheets, with me, guess which one Iâ?Td pick.
  > I want the freedom to make that choice, or to pick something



Since culture is based in biology, it's a fair assumption that it's fundamentally biological.

Best, Michael

Re causes for the loss of freedom since 1920, in addition to global
warming and women's suffrage, there was also that period of 10 years
or so in which the Federal Government (along with Western
governments worldwide) was busy "fixing" the effects of the Great

Add to that the fact that one of the states providing women's
suffrage well before (c. 1865) the onset of the 19th amendment was
Wyoming, not what I would call a "liberal" state, and the
explanation just has to be a lot more complex.

Allen Rice

--- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com, "Amarcy D. Berry"
<amarcyb@...> wrote:

Hi Richard,

Actually, our gradual loss of freedom has to do with global
