Weigh in on letting bathhouses re-open & whether speed (crystal meth) can be used responsibly

Weren't they replace by Sex Club like the ones on Folsom.
It's interesting that if they added baths it would be against the law.
As I remember many of the perspective community pushed through the leg.
What's Armiano and Queer Nation's take on the issue?

As mayor I wouldn't have My chief send oficers to bust a re/openned bath house!

Yeah, it's an illogical circumstance typical of government that you can legally have a sex club in SF, but not one with a swimming pool or hot tub. I have no idea what Ammiano's take on the issue is. As for Queer Nation, are they active around here? I haven't heard much about the group except on the national level around the AIDS issue some time back.

Love & liberty,
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