Wednesday Political Chat

Hi Everyone,

It's Wednesday again, and the weekly Wednesday
Political Chat is tonight at the Sheesh Mahal, on Polk
Street, between Post and Sutter, From 7:00-10:00PM.

I was thinking about some possible topics and two
current items came to my mind: the latest U.S. Supreme
Court decision on Affirmative Action, quotas, etc.,
and the other item that comes to my mind is the
authorization or unauthorization of going to war with
Iraq, and the constitutionality or unconstitutionality
of this (since I've been reading a lot of comments
about this on the Discussion Board).

I would recommend beginning with the current US
Supreme court decision on Universities and the
constitutionality or unconstitutionality of this, and
if there is any time left, continue with the next

I would also recommend people bring a small, pocket
constitution with them.

I will not be at the Political Chat tonight, because I
will be at the Indepenent Institute's Policy Forum.
The topic there is 'Preemptive War Strategy: A new
U.S. Empire? The speakers will be Joel S. Beinin,
Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Stanford U.,
Ivan Eland, Senior Fellow and Director at the Center
on Peace and Liberty at the Ind. Inst., and Steven
Weber, Professor of Political Science and Chair,
MacArthur Peace and Security Program at UC Berkeley.

The Political Chat is free, and there is more chance
to engage your thoughts in conversaton with one
another. The Independent Institute costs $14.00, and
not much chance to talk with one another. Take your
pick tonight.

P.S. I just heard the latest: There is talk of
building a new United Nations building in place of the
old one and they are expecting the American population
to "loan" the money to build it "tax free!" My
comment: "What the hell is going on here?"

Dave Barker.