Wayne Allyn Root suppports Mitt Romney

I still say LPSF should really give some thought to what path it wants the Libertarian Party to take.


(Hope the link works; if not, and you are interested in the article, just Google Economic Policy Journal.)



It seems to me the problem is what he said, rather than when he said it.


Warm regards, Michael

Hi All! Since I've gotten active in the LPSF during the last 1-2 years, I've been listening to you all saying all these negative things about Wayne Allyn Root. Not really knowing that much about him beforehand, I had tried to keep an open mind about him, even though I was definitely getting the feeling that you were right. This finally confirms it once and for all--a Libertarian voting for Romney, and especially a Libertarian with a fair amount of public exposure to advocate for Romney is an outrage. Then to flip-flop before and after the convention--that's very much like Romney. Root needs to join the Republican Party--he's a disgrace. You guys were right all along!

Thanks for educating me!

The comment below is not fair. Wayne recently posted an article on a site that is mostly read by conservative Republicans. Wayne steadfastly said in his article that he will be voting for Gary Johnson.

The comments that poured in heaped abuse on Wayne for having said that. It was shocking to me to see how bitter and angry the commenters were. They were also thoughtless (I could say "stupid"). Wayne really is a bridge between two worlds, although they are worlds that are far, far apart.

Richard Winger


PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147

I have read several of Wayne's columns and see that indeed his aim is to appeal to conservatives, not at all an unwise effort. However, given Libertarians' focus on purist libertarianism, I see a disconnect between many of his statements (regardless of when said), and his leadership position in the LP. As an aside, I am grateful for the reminder that this discussion list is a positive venue, and I for one was getting a little heated over this subject

