Dear freedom lovers,
Here's an idea from Bill Anderson on the national list that I found
interesting. He mentioned doing what he calls a "walkabout," where a bunch
of Libertarians get together and go door to door en masse in a particular
legislative district.
On first take it sounds like a big waste of time -- why use a whole
group of people to reach the same number of people that a single person
going door-to-door could reach in the same amount of time? I think that's
why it's rarely ever done.
But three other facts seem very salient here:
(1) The fact that it's rarely done makes it very noticeable and memorable.
How often does a whole group of people come ring your doorbell?
(2) With a big group and more hands to carry things, it's possible to
efficiently bring more resources to bear
(3) Going door to door can be intimidating for one or two people on their
own, and it isn't much fun unless you have the determination to make it
fun. That's why people don't do that too much either. But it's effective,
which is why serious campaigns grit their teeth and do it anyway. Going as
a large group could be more fun and more effective.
What if a bunch of us were to go door to door with Mike Denny for
Mayor signs? Think of all the things we could accomplish at once. We could
-Mike himself, to introduce him to voters
-voter registration forms
-membership forms (of course we would have the precinct list along telling
us where the Reg Libs live!)
-a big donation jar
-some rewards (yummy baked goods?) for people giving at least $20 or whatever,
-absentee voter applications if they're available (campaigns spend big $$
to mail these to their supporters later in the season)
-LP/ISIL literature or Denny for Mayor fliers if we've got them
-a petition on some other issue (ideally a measure we're trying to get on
the ballot in conjunction with Mike's campaign)
If we had, say, eight people, one could carry the precinct list,
one the donation jar, one the rewards, one the membership, voter reg, and
absentee voter application forms, two the literature, and two the Denny for
Mayor signs. It will be difficult for voters who meet Mike with seven other
people in tow to mentally categorize him as a fringe candidate!
It'll be a fun group activity and then we can all go out for dinner
or drinks afterward. What say?
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>