Vitriol & ****


You wrote:

I do not believe the members of this group or LPSF are members
so they can hear or read profanity and not have a choice

We do have a choice. We can quit.

Try to quit paying your income taxes. Then you'll see what not having
a choice means.

Best, Michael

Dear Dr. Mike;

While quiting is a choice I stand by the original statement that the members joined did not voluntarily join to voluntarily be exposed to profanity.

Comapring not paying taxes and voluntraily joining a group and having a choice of leaving is comparing apples and oranges. Because the LPSF group will not hunt down the member who voluntarily quit and garnish thier wages and sieze their bank accounts and sell their assets until the taxes are voluntarily paid and they voluntarily re-join the group.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian