Vapor Room - First battle won! Matter now moves to full Board - letters to Supes needed!

Aster and I attended and spoke at this hearing Wednesday. I identified myself as Libertarian Party of San Francisco outreach director, as well as a candidate for Supervisor. I believe the whole thing was broadcast on public access TV, Channel 29. I mentioned property rights in my comments, and a guy came up to me afterward from SPOSF (Small Property Owners of San Francisco) and asked me point-blank whether I support rent control. Of course I told him no, and he invited me to respond to their candidate questionnaire. With luck, I may have a chance of gaining the group's endorsement. Although I noticed he did have on a sticker that said something like "neighbors first, marijuana second" which did not sound very pro-property rights to me, he did not argue with me when I stressed the importance of uniting people being oppressed by government to stand up for each others' rights, such as marijuana users and small business owners.

  Anyway, please check out the info below and send your Supervisor a letter or call his/her office. I'm copying this letter to Kelly in case she's currently not subscribed to or reading this list, because she and her husband live just a couple blocks up the street from the Vapor Room. Under SF's peculiar system of government, letter(s) from them will tend to carry more weight than those of constituents who cannot claim such close geographical proximity to the matter in question.

Love & liberty,
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