URGENT - Are you on welfare/SSI? - Re: [bayareafaeries] Please help save a lovely, ivy-covered, old-growth urban tree

What I object to the most about this tree problem is that if a homeowner wants to cut down a tree, the homeowner has to jump through all kinds of hoops and pay lots of money for a permit that may be denied. However, if a city department wants to cut down a tree, they almost always get to cut it down. ; And it is shameful that a disenting citizen has to pay $300. to appeal.

In Redwood City, the county wanted to charge homeowners $150.00 an hour just to talk to them about plans they had for fixing up their homes. This $150 an hour is in addition to outrageous permit fees (for example, $85. permit fee for permission to put in a garbage disposal.) Luckily so many people complained that they dropped the $150. an hour plan.

My point is that everything with the government is about money and/or the number of people who complain for or against something.



  I don't recall the exact address, but it's on the west side of Noe Street between 14th and Henry.


  Fees are definitely the new taxes. They keep figuring out more ways to charge people extra for government to do things that have previously been paid for with existing tax moneys or not done at all. And of course their waiver scheme is one more incentive for people to go on welfare. Poor people not in their system are screwed.

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))