Unexpectedly on Discussion & Activists List


Can you tell me who manages our website these days? I’ve never been subscribed to the activists’ list, but somehow have been receiving its messages for the past few days. I try to limit my emails to 25 per day, and while that goal has been elusive lately, unsubscribing to all group email lists is key to keeping the volume low. I only want to receive notices of meetings etc. that go to the full membership. Thanks, Jawj

On 12/14/2020 2:41 AM Starchild via LPSF Forum <noreply@forum.lpsf.org> wrote:
Starchild https://forum.lpsf.org/u/starchild
December 14

Thanks, Jeff! Getting carried away when doing volunteer work is generally okay, lol. The changes look largely for the better!

I’m copying this response to the Activists list so others can check out the new and old versions and offer any suggestions or feedback, of which I do have a few. Starting at the top…

I’m glad to see the de-pixelized version of our old Golden Gate Bridge logo back on the site, as I kind of prefer it to the depth-perspective one Nick designed (no offense Nick), though his does come closer to the actual color of the Golden Gate Bridge and could be good somewhere the text accompanying it is similarly angled. Would it be difficult for you to copy the color of the bridge in that logo to the de-pixelized version of the old logo you worked on?

I like the gold lettering for “Libertarian Party” in the banner, but think I slightly prefer having the “of San Francisco” in a different color and slightly smaller as it was previously. Perhaps the same orange color as the bridge in the logo, if that’s updated?

Having one set of menu options across the top instead of one on top and a couple more down the side that won’t show up on phones is a big improvement. I’m not keen on “Options for Activism” as a header title though – it sounds a bit obscure, and donating and becoming a member aren’t exactly what most people think of as “activism”, although broadly speaking one could make the argument that they fall under that heading. (I realize this name carried over from the even more obscure “Activist Options” in the old sidebar and not something you added from scratch.)

As a replacement header I’d suggest “What Can I Do?”, with the “Donate” and “Become A Member” pages still appearing under that tab (though I suggest we lose the star on the latter; nothing else in the pull-down tabs has a star, and I’d rather not give membership special billing – as I noted at Saturday’s meeting, we clearly need activism more than money right now).

The third item under that tab (or the first one, in the order they’re listed) I would suggest retitling “Suggestions for Activism”. The word “Suggestions” by itself as it’s currently listed may lead people to think we’re asking for their suggestions – although come to think of it, a text box at the bottom of that page where people can suggest their ideas for activism could be a useful addition.

While we’re on menu tab headers, I’d also suggest changing “About Us” to “About the LPSF”. This will introduce people to the acronym we commonly use for “Libertarian Party of San Francisco” near the top of the page, while we’d still have the “Connect With Us” pull-down tab nearby to give the headers a warmer, more personal feel.

One thing I notice on both the previous and current versions of the website is that the beautiful photo of the city in the background is almost completely covered by the other elements on the page, so that you can hardly even tell it is a photo let alone see what it is. The upper portion of it happens to be sky; I would suggest we use that sky as background for the banner elements at the top of the page (logo, party name, and a floating rectangle below them containing the pull-down menu tabs) – I think the gold and orange would look better on sky blue than on white.

Another idea on making the background photo a little more visible would be to divide the “News” part of the front page with the articles on it from the meeting and upcoming events section, to make them two separate columns with some photo showing through in between (and maybe a bit more around the edges too. Not sure whether this might screw up how it appears on phones though…

If it’s not possible to make the main page two separate columns without causing problems with how the page appears on mobile devices, it strikes me that the “Upcoming Events” section could be condensed, especially since we don’t have any upcoming events except meetings at this time. Info for our next upcoming meeting could appear as a header across the top of a single column, and under or next to it, a link to the calendar (“See Calendar for more upcoming events!”), followed by the blog posts.

I like “Serf City Blog” as a possible name for our blog, by the way – what do others think? I envision a small logo with the words in the upper left corner, maybe in a font like the one used for the word “Surf” in the attached image below, possibly along with a small graphic. An idea for a graphic: A City Hall dome with big feet, treading on a bunch of tiny people. [:slight_smile:] Maybe a palm tree… The Manhattan LP is already using the name (https://serfcity.wordpress.com/), but I don’t think they’d mind, and SF is more of a surf town anyway. Though in terms of being a “serf town” it might be harder to say which place is worse… [:stuck_out_tongue:]

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

··· (click for more details) https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/1


Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/1 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/d9279e0757dcd8938e7bd0df4565f1e645698d92e723081fd871df68470ccfc9 .

Hi Jawj,

I’m responsible for subscribing anyone on any of the three of the Yahoo! Groups lists to all of the three “categories” on the Discourse forum.

At the bottom of any email you don’t want, hit unsubscribe, and you’ll have a few options, including something like “stop watching the Activist List category.” You should be all set after that!

Discourse is intended for people who want less email. If you unsubscribe, you can still access the discussion through the website, and you can get notified of hot topics on occasion or never. Or you can access the forum trough a phone app, and get light notifications rather than emails. Login to set those preferences, if you want!

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Sorry, I’m too much of a Luddite to be able to follow your instructions, and I’d prefer it if the person who manages the list and put me on it without my knowledge would take me off it. If that’s you, can you unsubscribe me and take me off whatever ist uyou used in the first plscvr to put me on. Again, for the decades I’ve been a member, I’ve NEVER been on the activist list until now, and don’t want anything more than the basic all member announcements.

On 12/15/2020 9:07 AM jeff via LPSF Forum <noreply@forum.lpsf.org> wrote:
jeff https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff
December 15

Hi Jawj,

I’m responsible for subscribing anyone on any of the three of the Yahoo! Groups lists to all of the three “categories” on the Discourse forum.

At the bottom of any email you don’t want, hit unsubscribe, and you’ll have a few options, including something like “stop watching the Activist List category.” You should be all set after that!

Discourse is intended for people who want less email. If you unsubscribe, you can still access the discussion through the website, and you can get notified of hot topics on occasion or never. Or you can access the forum trough a phone app, and get light notifications rather than emails. Login to set those preferences, if you want!

Sorry for the inconvenience!



Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/11 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/98555b9438c4798dc293adcb05cbf17a8cf59e5a66ceb2a8c6eaea52f998e575 .

That’s fair, I can unsubscribe you. You shouldn’t get more discussion or activists messages after this.

If anyone else wants fewer messages in their inbox, please let me know, or just click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email.

And, we’re always looking for more volunteers to help with operations and with activism!

Huh? I received this email reply to a private email to you on some sort of LP list LPSF Forum? AND the Activists list? So that everyone could follow a personal conversation of no relevance to them? I’m troubled by how emails are working. If you HAVE a personal email address, so that the “reply to sender” button means to you alone, and is diffferent from “reply to all,” please give it to me. Otherwise, please unsubscribe me from any and all LPSF lists, and I can just go to the website for info on public meetings. Thanks.

On 12/15/2020 9:27 AM jeff via LPSF Forum <noreply@forum.lpsf.org> wrote:
jeff https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff
December 15

That’s fair, I can unsubscribe you. You shouldn’t get more discussion or activists messages after this.

If anyone else wants fewer messages in their inbox, please let me know, or just click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email.

And, we’re always looking for more volunteers to help with operations and with activism!


Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/13 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/816954a3cca2aeeea2b6d2140fde7c4b74385362f578ec43fe93cbca79e76626 .

I’m with Jawj!


On Dec 15, 2020, at 9:16 AM, JAWJ GREENWALD via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

jawj1 <https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jawj1> 

December 15
Sorry, I’m too much of a Luddite to be able to follow your instructions, and I’d prefer it if the person who manages the list and put me on it without my knowledge would take me off it. If that’s you, can you unsubscribe me and take me off whatever ist uyou used in the first plscvr to put me on. Again, for the decades I’ve been a member, I’ve NEVER been on the activist list until now, and don’t want anything more than the basic all member announcements.

··· (click for more details) https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/12
Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/12 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/24fbd716c5d51a7b8a27bed46fc2efbc97aad47049a91bb049c5a4b452754be4.

I’m with the two folks above.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:56 AM Michael Edelstein via LPSF Forum < noreply@forum.lpsf.org> wrote:

dredelstein https://forum.lpsf.org/u/dredelstein
December 15

I’m with Jawj!
··· (click for more details)

Visit Topic
or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here


I may have misspoken. I would like to get lpsf emails. I was only empathizing with Jawj’s challenges with computers.

Warm regards, Michael

Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
415-673-2848 (24/7)

Co-author of Three Minute Therapy http://www.threeminutetherapy.com/
with David Ramsay Steele, Ph.D.
Features help for anxiety, depression,
relationships, panic attacks, addiction


On Dec 15, 2020, at 9:59 AM, Richard Fast via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

fastrichard77 <https://forum.lpsf.org/u/fastrichard77> 

December 15
I’m with the two folks above.

··· (click for more details) https://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/7
Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/7 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/7751aac36b5dd68acdd8d705123878244828f5bcf068d2fbb39e43b57a4c88b2.

Jeff, please unsubscribe me as well. Thanks, Richard


On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:27 AM jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

jeff https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff
December 15

That’s fair, I can unsubscribe you. You shouldn’t get more discussion or
activists messages after this.

If anyone else wants fewer messages in their inbox, please let me know, or
just click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email.

And, we’re always looking for more volunteers to help with operations and
with activism!

Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/re-website-updates/21437/13 or
reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here

Hi Richard,

A few clarification questions:

Do you want to remain subscribed to Announcements?

Do you want to get notified if someone replies to you?

Do you want access via the forum, or totally deactivate your account?

Jeff, you should use the mailchimp account for party business.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 1:05 PM, Richard Fast via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

December 15 |

Jeff, please unsubscribe me as well. Thanks, Richard
··· (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

Hi Jeff,

My current answer is “yes” to your 3 questions.

Warm regards, Michael

Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
415-673-2848 (24/7)

Co-author of Three Minute Therapy http://www.threeminutetherapy.com/
with David Ramsay Steele, Ph.D.
Features help for anxiety, depression,
relationships, panic attacks, addiction


On Dec 15, 2020, at 10:08 AM, jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

jeff <https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff> 

December 15
Hi Richard,

A few clarification questions:

Do you want to remain subscribed to Announcements?

Do you want to get notified if someone replies to you?

Do you want access via the forum, or totally deactivate your account?

Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/10 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/2cb5013cc5b58ab2b6aecd1cb43a6045a03b6f37eb88de223a96f624bed86aaa.

1 Like

So, Jawj won’t get this, because she’s unsubscribed, but for clarification:

I received this email reply to a private email to you on some sort of LP list LPSF Forum

Jawj received an email from the mailing list, and replied to some replies+n@forum.lpsf.org , which went to the mailing list. It’s the same way that Yahoo! Groups worked. I’m open to it working another way, but I think it’s better to make as few changes at once.

I then moved the discussion on “emails” to the “Site Feedback” category, so that further responses wouldn’t go to everyone on the Activists List.


FYI: “He” is a “she."

Warm regards, Michael

Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
415-673-2848 (24/7)

Co-author of Three Minute Therapy http://www.threeminutetherapy.com/
with David Ramsay Steele, Ph.D.
Features help for anxiety, depression,
relationships, panic attacks, addiction


On Dec 15, 2020, at 10:17 AM, jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

jeff <https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff> 

December 15
So, Jawj won’t get this, because he’s unsubscribed, but for clarification:

I received this email reply to a private email to you on some sort of LP list LPSF Forum

Jawj received an email from the mailing list, and replied to some replies+n@forum.lpsf.org mailto:replies+n@forum.lpsf.org , which went to the mailing list. It’s the same way that Yahoo! Groups worked. I’m open to it working another way, but I think it’s better to make as few changes at once.

I then moved the discussion on “emails” to the “Site Feedback” category, so that further responses wouldn’t go to everyone on the Activists List.

Visit Topic https://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/13 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/60eebdf1b811106201a95f25cb34a12000cd056f40097bf9d8986ed6e31f679f.

1 Like

Hi Rebecca,

I agree that Mailchimp is good for party business. However, we have a few challenges with that idea at the moment.

The Mailchimp list is currently advertised as where people subscribe to get the Newsletter. There is no association between our dues paying members and the Mailchimp list.

We’ve been discussing these things at our meetings, and we’ll have it worked out in no time!

I would like to be unsubscribed from everything. Thank you.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 10:26 AM jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org wrote:

jeff https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff
December 15

Hi Rebecca,

I agree that Mailchimp is good for party business. However, we have a few
challenges with that idea at the moment.

The Mailchimp list is currently advertised as where people subscribe to
get the Newsletter. There is no association between our dues paying members
and the Mailchimp list.

We’ve been discussing these things at our meetings, and we’ll have it
worked out in no time!

Visit Topic
or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here

I noticed people were getting emails for this regular “Site Feedback” category.

I changed the settings so that people aren’t always emailed for categories, unless they are “watching” them (by default, Announcements, Discussion, and Activists List).

Let me know if there’s still something amiss!

Please delete lmangus@pekcpa.commailto:lmangus@pekcpa.com from all lists.
I no longer work regularly at this CPA firm.

I suddenly started receiving tons of mail on this address.

Les Mangus


From: jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 10:08 AM
To: Les Mangus lmangus@pekcpa.com
Subject: Re: [LPSF Forum] [Site Feedback] Unexpectedly on Discussion & Activists List

[Image removed by sender.]

December 15

Hi Richard,

A few clarification questions:

Do you want to remain subscribed to Announcements?

Do you want to get notified if someone replies to you?

Do you want access via the forum, or totally deactivate your account?

Visit Topichttps://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/10 or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click herehttps://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/1010b4b296adfc59d5649d51c7cb52143949ba406f01e953bf84799cba4763f6.


Thanks, Jeff.

Jawj, while I sympathize with the desire to reduce communications, I do believe they are absolutely essential to our productivity as a local party.

I don’t know whether you forgot about our meeting Saturday – I left you a voicemail that morning but not sure if/when you received it – but if you’d been getting emails, you might have had the meeting on your radar sooner and shown up. (I was hoping you would be there to take notes, since our secretary Richard was at the state executive committee meeting and unable to attend, and you’d volunteered to be our secretary starting in January.)

So I strongly encourage you – and anyone who wants to be an active member of our local party – to subscribe to at least the activist (party business and local activism) list, preferably also the announce (low-volume announcements) list, if not the discuss (general discussion) list. Glancing at and deleting an unwanted message doesn’t take too much time, and as Jeff mentioned you can further reduce incoming emails by filtering topics you receive from that list, if subscribing to even one list is more commitment to liberty than you’re willing/able to make each month.

Everyone else can help encourage/keep members like Jawj in the loop by endeavoring to send emails only to the most relevant list (activists OR discuss) and cross-posting to both lists only when it seems like something very important.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Dec 15, 2020, at 9:07 AM, jeff via LPSF Forum wrote:

December 15
Hi Jawj,

I’m responsible for subscribing anyone on any of the three of the Yahoo! Groups lists to all of the three “categories” on the Discourse forum.

At the bottom of any email you don’t want, hit unsubscribe, and you’ll have a few options, including something like “stop watching the Activist List category.” You should be all set after that!

Discourse is intended for people who want less email. If you unsubscribe, you can still access the discussion through the website, and you can get notified of hot topics on occasion or never. Or you can access the forum trough a phone app, and get light notifications rather than emails. Login to set those preferences, if you want!

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To

December 15
Starchild– Can you tell me who manages our website these days? I’ve never been subscribed to the activists’ list, but somehow have been receiving its messages for the past few days. I try to limit my emails to 25 per day, and while that goal has been elusive lately, unsubscribing to all group ema…
Previous Replies

December 15

Can you tell me who manages our website these days? I’ve never been subscribed to the activists’ list, but somehow have been receiving its messages for the past few days. I try to limit my emails to 25 per day, and while that goal has been elusive lately, unsubscribing to all group email lists is key to keeping the volume low. I only want to receive notices of meetings etc. that go to the full membership. Thanks, Jawj

··· (click for more details)
December 15
Hi Starchild, you referenced the black Statue. Check the newer one with a patina colored Statue!

December 15
If we leave the background as white then I would suggest leaving the Statue of Liberty blue as it was before, but I think my preference would be to use the blue sky background, and obviously a blue Lady Liberty wouldn’t go well with that. I think the other colors would look great on it though, and maybe changing the color of the statue as described below would work okay. I’d have to see it.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

··· (click for more details)
December 15
Okay, was able to see the logo on the Forum page – looks better! The Statue of Liberty looks kind of intense and out of place in black against the other colors though. I’m not sure how it will look against the blue sky background, but am thinking maybe green or grey would be a better, more natural choice. Perhaps with a faint golden glow around her?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

··· (click for more details)
December 15
Hi Jeff,

The graphics you’re attaching are not showing up for me in these emails. I tried reloading the website, but I guess you haven’t made the changes there. Will try looking on the Forum site.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

··· (click for more details)
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

Yes, Yes, and I wish access via the forum.


From: jeff via LPSF Forum noreply@forum.lpsf.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 10:08 AM
To: austin@dos-colinas.com
Subject: Re: [LPSF Forum] [Site Feedback] Unexpectedly on Discussion & Activists List


https://forum.lpsf.org/u/jeff jeff
December 15

Hi Richard,

A few clarification questions:

Do you want to remain subscribed to Announcements?

Do you want to get notified if someone replies to you?

Do you want access via the forum, or totally deactivate your account?

https://forum.lpsf.org/t/unexpectedly-on-discussion-activists-list/21438/10 Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, https://forum.lpsf.org/email/unsubscribe/4cca813183879fbc195bcfd39ffb303f0cce9ba33357943371ad1d0a78f965da click here.