UN and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (was When Satirical Cartoons Push the Limit)


No, you're not the only one.

It confounds positive rights with negative rights thereby mandating slavery.

Best, Michael

This was taken from the Yahoo goldcorp
board and is from le metropole cafe, the
website for the gold antitrust action
committee founder, Bill Murphy, a one
man Army against the world's central
banks. Bill was a former pro football player
and ivy league grad. He may be a little too
excited tonight, but the last few days
trading in gold have the smell of the last
hurrah for the central banker's attempts to
control the perceived value of paper
compared to the perceived value of Gold.
They can't keep gold below 550 an ounce
(or push the value of the dollar up past 1/
550th of an ounce of gold)
despite Herculean efforts earlier this week
to make the paper dollar seem a good store
of value. Bill refers to the Cartel, which is
gold bug talk for the central banks and thier
agentt hedged gold miners who have
conspired to suppress the perceived value
of gold versus central bank issued paper.
Normally this is a paid site, but from the
wording it appears the message serves as
ad for the site, so I am reposting it..
He refers to the "Credit Agricole/Cheuvreux
gold report". This report from a very large
French Bank marks the mutiny of a major
bank from the gold cartel, and is shaking
mainstream views on the metal, worth a

Le Metropole Members, MIDAS GOLD
What is happening during the early trading
hours in Asia is
unprecedented. Gold
has been
up as much as $8 and change ... and is
now up $6.80.
The first day after the
Washington Agreement on September 26,
1999 gold was
up only $7. That agreement
caused chaos in the gold market in the next
two weeks as
gold rallied $84 an
ounce. Bank
of England Governor Eddie George later
stated that they
"were looking into the

The Gold Cartel rallied their forces and sent
gold right back
down to its lows.
difference between now and then is the
bums have GONE
THROUGH their available
bank gold in order to accomplish what they
did back in
those days.

I won't jinx tonight's spectacular gold price
Anything can happen
between this
evening in Asia and tomorrow on the
this stunning price surge
suggests this move is PANIC short-
covering by The Gold
Cartel and their allies.
They had
hoped to create a gold debacle with their
raid on Tuesday
and it didn't work.
They know it.
GATA knows it. . .

The latest Credit Agricole/Cheuvreux gold
report was the
cabal's death knell as
confirmed what the speakers at our
conference laid out.
This report is
circulating at the
highest government and financial market
levels around the
world. The Gold Cartel
understands this, and therefore staged a
desperate attack
on gold yesterday in
order to
influence fund selling so they cover their
huge shorts as
best they could.

The RAID failed and they are presently
scrambling. YES,
they can call for
tomorrow. That will only bide them time.
The Gold Cartel is
DOOMED. The price of
gold is
going to soar to $2,000 per ounce and well

If you have not been paying attention to the
commentary the past many
months, or
years, it is time to check back in before you
miss THE
historic investment
opportunity of a
lifetime. . . .
All the best,
Bill Murphy

I hope some of you here have taken heed.
We need rich Libertarians, as
Congressman Burton, the San Franciscan
who socialized emergency medicine in
America said," Money is the mother's milk
of Politics" My investments are up 80
percent in terms of faith based currency
since December 1, and the journey to the
death of Fiat has just begun. My favorite
remains Novagold, NG now trading at 12
bucks, I think I last recommended it south
of 9. It's headed for over 100 by the end of
the decade. My other new darling is an
oilsands play CanWest Petroleum. They
control over 5 billion barrels of tarsands
with exploration potential of 10 to 45 billion
more barrels. Initial confirmatory holes
redoing old exploration holes from the
seventies is showing bonanza grades of
bitumen up to 15 percent by weight. The
present market cap is 500 million bucks.
Thats some mighty cheap oil. I also like
wolfden, with high grade gold in Ontario's
Red Lake region. My molybdenum play,
Adanac Moly, has run up recently and is a
little pricey for entry.
Come on folks,The smell of burning paper
is in the air.Quietly walk to the exits before
the mob. The Fed is trapped. They have to
raise interest rates to keep the dollar up. If
they don't raise rates enough the dollar
crashes, causes massive inflation for
imported items such as oil and anything not
bolted down. If they raise rates too high,
they kill housing, causing massive defaults
and bank failures, unless they buy the bad
mortgage backed paper with freshly printed
greenbacks. ie massive monetary inflation.
There is some speculation that the Fed has
already secretly bought the bad assets of
Fannie Mae, and also the mortages
destroyed by the wind and water of Katrina.
That is why they will stop reporting m3 in
March. The gold market sees the Fed's
dilema, that is why it has rallied 100 dollars
in three months. The new Fed chief is an
advocate of inflation. All is going exactly as
Hyak predicts and as the miserable history
of faith based money has allways
transpired. The pace quickens. Are you
paying attention.

Dear Everyone;

A good Gary North column from Lew Rockwell on Gold and Silver.


Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

--- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com, "ricochetboy" <philzberg@...>