Proposition A’s proponents disingenuously claim the measure won’t raise taxes. (What it does is prevent tax rates that were raised in order to pay for previous bonds, from going back down after the investors in those bonds have been paid off.) Officials deliberately structure their borrowing this way, so that each time they put forward a new measure, they can claim it’s not a tax increase!
But if you own property in San Francisco, the reality is you’ll be paying higher taxes on it if this measure passes than if it doesn’t. For homeowners, this could mean paying over $100 per year more from now until 2048.
And if you’re a renter, you may well see some of these costs passed along to you in the form of higher rents.
We invite you to consider the questions we raised in our initial argument against Prop. A:
• Why can’t they raise money by cutting salaries of overpaid administrators, like the district superintendent whose pay is over $300,000 a year, instead of taxing the public?
• How is it that other districts (and independent San Francisco schools), achieve just as good or better educational outcomes at far lower cost than the over $26,000 per student that SFUSD spends each year?
We haven’t read their rebuttal – we won’t see it until after we submit ours – but past experience virtually guarantees they won’t answer these questions. “Ignore the waste, pony up suckers!”
Don’t fall for it. Vote NO.
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
On Aug 18, 2024, at 5:59 PM, Starchild wrote:
Begin forwarded message:
From: Starchild via LPSF Forum <>
Subject: [LPSF Forum] [Activists List] DRAFT Rebuttal argument against Prop. A
Date: August 17, 2024 at 12:02:22 AM PDT
Reply-To: LPSF Forum <>Starchild
August 17
Here’s a proposed draft rebuttal argument against Proposition A, the school bond measure (due to be filed by noon on Monday). Libre Office clocks it at 251 words, but with the Elections Department’s word count method, it should come in safely under 250. Again, everyone is welcome to let me know any ideas, suggestion, criticisms you may have. Especially Trip who drafted our initial opponent argument.And thanks to you both, Trip and Jawj, for chipping in on this important work that helps make the Libertarian Party and our pro-freedom ideas more visible in the community! Your efforts have paid off in our getting arguments against three bad pieces of legislation into print, where they will be among the materials sent out to hundreds of thousands of San Francisco voters.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
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