You are invited to a very special Tropical Tikki Party to benefit Berkeley's three citizen-sponsored voter initiatives...
Angel's Initiative... stop violence against women by decriminalizing prostitution!
For info... or (415) 341-7656
The Patients Access to Medical Cannabis Act... update Berkeley's medical cannabis laws!For info... or (510) 540-1928
Save the Trees... put an end to Berkeley's corrupt tree cutting contracts!
For info... or (510) 594-4088
The sponsors of all three initiatives are joining together on Saturday, July 31, for a great tropical themed fundraising event. Come support your favorite cause and learn about the others. This is community-based grassroots democracy in action. Come have a great time, and be a part of it!
Hawaiian attire is encouraged! Don't miss this great community building event. Invite all your friends and family! Forward this message to your lists! Everyone is welcome!