Many libertarians equate the "beginning of the end" of limited government with FDR's Presidency from 1933-45, or perhaps with Lincoln's (1961-65). But as noted in the quote below, there was a single fateful year in between that set some powerful forces in place for the growth of the state, and helped create the conditions leading to the bloodiest century known to man.
Dear Rich;
Here are a couple other articles on Woodrow WIlson from Lew which shows how damaging his actions were for the USA and the world. The effects of which we are still reeling from and the sad part is his successors all followed in his footsteps.
Big Government - Big Unions - Big Business working together to enslave the USA and get protectionist policies passed for all of the above.
As WWI was described: Rich man's war - poor man's fight. Wilson got a Sedition Act passed which was used by Wilson to send anyone to prison who publicly refuted the USA participation, did not support the war and was against the draft.
He certainly wasn't like Jefferson who very boldly spoke out against the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Richard Newell <richard@...> wrote:
Many libertarians equate the "beginning of the end" of limited government with FDR's Presidency from 1933-45, or perhaps with Lincoln's (1961-65). But as noted in the quote below, there was a single fateful year in between that set some powerful forces in place for the growth of the state, and helped create the conditions leading to the bloodiest century known to man.