I'm in the process of the problem quite accurately described in #3, below.
I have no personal information about, or experience with, the other claims.
Warm regards, Michael
I'm in the process of the problem quite accurately described in #3, below.
I have no personal information about, or experience with, the other claims.
Warm regards, Michael
Hi Michael,
Very interesting! Thank you. However, why would Facebook, or anyone else, provide services without charge, without getting something out of it. In the case of Facebook, and the other social networks, the payment is serving your soul in a platter to the advertising world. The alternative would be to encourage and join fee for use networks.
In my own case, Facebook or whoever else, are wasting their time with me, since I seldom respond to advertising and promotion.
There is one conspiracy-theory-type glitch, though. If one is concerned about the government knowing about one, better not join Facebook, G-mail, etc. But for someone with a license plate holder that says Libertarian Party, the true Freedom Fighters, I am not one of the concerned!
Thank you, Michael. I have never before seen any article criticizing facebook, and it makes me feel good to see that people are saying these things about facebook. I don't like it myself.
I went to the San Francisco main public library today to try to check out 3 Cups of Tea. The library has 80 copies but they are all checked out and there is a waiting list. I was tempted to phone you and ask if I could borrow your copy (assuming you have one) but I didn't. The book is also audible and all the library audiable copies were also checked out. One would think the Genteman Club has 10 times as many members as we really do!
Richard Winger wrote:
Thank you, Michael. I have never before seen any article criticizing facebook,
and it makes me feel good to see that people are saying these things about
facebook. I don't like it myself.
The EFF and ACLU have been noted critics of Facebook, which should tell
us something... see, for example, <URL:
Yup. I don't like the phone company either. They let the government make a
copy of every bit of data coming across the Pacific at their building at 2nd
and Folsom, just a block from my home. And yet I send $60/mo to Ma Bell.
We do what we have to do. We can't all live off-the-grid in a shack in the
I see using Facebook despite its various privacy concerns as a "cost of
doing business" in the realm of spreading Libertarian ideas to demographic
groups who respond only to social media and are otherwise unreachable via
traditional media. If anyone has any better ideas of how to reach these
folks, I'm all ears.
Again, I hate to see the Activists list devolve into debate, but I think
we're still tangentially on the topic on whether our activists ought to sign
up for Facebook and/or other social media sites to do real outreach to real
people. But I don't personally see myself making any future posts on this
topic of "Facebook is bad." Sorta seems irrelevant IMHO if they're the only
way to bring the LP's median age down to something as young or younger than
myself (which is vital to the survival of the LP, BTW).
Helooo Rob,
First, yes, I completely agree with you on 1) like it or not, social media is at present indispensable for promoting anything; and 2) we have a great Discussion List and a great (albeit as yet obscure) LPSF Facebook for debate.
However, a point of disagreement, that our main target is folks younger than yourself, as you stated; presumably because the young are energized to institute change. Perhaps that was true briefly in the 60's anti-war movement. Since then, well, we had the feminist movement with 30-40 something ladies leading the charge; we had the anti Bush war movement with mostly middle aged women organizing like heck; and we have the Tea Party folks shaking up things in their median 40's. Tangentially, older folks statistically donate more! And if you take a look at my Facebook page, you will see 30's, 40's, 50's plus raising Cain!
So, LPSF's outreach should be eclectic! Young, old, all colors, all preferences.
If you got this far in my rant, thank you!