TODAY: Meeting + Officer Elections -- Please check the location!

Hi everyone,
It's almost time for our annual meeting where we elect new officers for the party. The past two years have been amazing for me and I've enjoyed seeing the party grow and achieve new heights, however as you know, I'm not able to dedicate the time to it that I once could and so I won't be running for Chair again. I do of course plan to continue attending meetings and help in any way I can, including helping new officers get their bearings.

Our meeting today is at *149 New Montgomery St.* starting at 3pm. Please arrive promptly at 3 and we'll get into officer elections before too long. Call me at 609-846-4268 to be let in if you arrive late.

RSVP here if you haven't already:

Thank you everyone for your support and for a great couple of years.

Nick and sorry but I am unable to attend. Leaving for NYC late tomorrow night for a week. And have a ton to do before I go.

I know you all will do the right thing. Looking forward to the report.

Michael Denny
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
No On Prop A<><>
(415) 608-0269<>

Who was elected?

Saturday's monthly LPSF meeting was attended by Nick Smith, Ryder Meehan (at whose company's downtown office space we met – thanks for the beer Ryder!), Alan Sherzer, Sparks, and newcomer Travis who lives in Mill Valley (not sure about either of their last names), and myself.

  I was (reluctantly) elected chair, and Nick was elected vice-chair and treasurer. The post of secretary is temporarily vacant. However Nick and I will be meeting to work on revising our bylaws to have more of a collective leadership model where all members in good standing, not just officers, can vote online between meetings, and we make it easier to get things done and have more of a task by task approach to our work rather than certain officers having fixed responsibilities (chairing meetings, taking minutes, etc.). I will serve as facilitator for our next regular meeting in February. Anyone else who wants to meet with us to work on this is of course welcome. Or feel free to post your ideas here.

  One of the things I want to get started on is coming up with a list of tasks, both essential things we need done to maintain the local party, and things we would like to have done like booth outreach, organizing panel discussions, etc., and solicit volunteers to do these specific things. The idea is to always ask for volunteers first, and then if we can't find a volunteer for something we want done, to discuss paying someone to do it. We have over $9000 in the bank, so right now we are rather cash-rich but activism-poor.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Thank you, Starchild!
Françoise Fielding, Esq., 820 Stanyan St. #5, San Francisco, CA 94117, 415-386-8643

Congrats, Starchild! Thanks so much for all the work you do. You are a great fit for the role, and as you know, an invaluable agent for liberty.


Whether "congrats" are in order is dubious, but thanks Jeff!

  I do encourage you to get more involved yourself... The local party is in real need of a few more radical libertarian activists. It is, as the saying goes, "a target-rich environment". :slight_smile:

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Thanks Michael! I'm definitely not trying to phase out in-person meetings however, which I think are crucial, and I hope you'll be gracing us with your presence at more of those now that your caretaker role in Marin has ended (though of course the circumstances that led to that, i.e. the passing of your partner Janice, are sad).

  I also want to thank Nick Smith for his calm and steady hand at the till over the past couple years, and all the work he has put in. As with Aubrey Freedman before him, I consider it a loss to have him step down, despite my fondness for rotating leadership, and am very glad he isn't going away. There of course remains as much to do as ever, and endless opportunities to advance the cause of freedom – as I joked to Jeff Yunes who wrote me separately to offer congratulations, we're in what's known as "a target-rich environment".

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

I will try to get more involved!

Greetings from NYC. Please accept my congratulations too Starchild. And I echo your acknowledgment of past activists. Jeff's "target rich" comment made me smile.

By the way we are getting into a very serious conflict with Judge Schulman this week. Will keep you posted.

Thank you, Starchild.

Please remind me of the day, time, and location of the monthly meetings. I appreciate it.

Will I see you at LNC2020 in Austin?

I saw Kim Ruff for the first time in one of the LPMC interviews with candidates. I found her very impressive!

Warm regards, Michael

Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
415-673-2848 (24/7)

Co-author of Three Minute Therapy <>
with David Ramsay Steele, Ph.D.
Features help for anxiety, depression,
relationships, panic attacks, addiction

  Thanks Michael! I'm definitely not trying to phase out in-person meetings however, which I think are crucial, and I hope you'll be gracing us with your presence at more of those now that your caretaker role in Marin has ended (though of course the circumstances that led to that, i.e. the passing of your partner Janice, are sad).

  I also want to thank Nick Smith for his calm and steady hand at the till over the past couple years, and all the work he has put in. As with Aubrey Freedman before him, I consider it a loss to have him step down, despite my fondness for rotating leadership, and am very glad he isn't going away. There of course remains as much to do as ever, and endless opportunities to advance the cause of freedom – as I joked to Jeff Yunes who wrote me separately to offer congratulations, we're in what's known as "a target-rich environment".

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


  The LPSF meets the second Saturday each month from 3-5pm, usually in the community meeting room on the 3rd or 4th floor of the main library, but we're sometimes in other locations when those rooms are not available. If you forget, or need to check for a particular month, the info should be posted at or the LPSF Meetup group at

  I do plan to go to the national convention.

  Likewise agree that Kim Ruff would make an excellent presidential nominee. She and Adam Kokesh are the two others I've been supporting, after my first choice Vermin Supreme. However, according to a message posted Saturday by her running mate, LNC regional representative John Phillips, they are out of the race (see email copied below).

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Excellent! Our next meeting is February 8. Also the state convention is next month, Feb. 14-17 in L.A. Any interest in a road trip?