Time for a Libertarian Gathering?

Hi All! Marcy and I have been thinking of the LPSF sponsoring some type of social event that will attract many of the liberty-leaning folks in the Bay Area. Some sort of social event, perhaps with an interesting speaker or two. We want this to attract a fairly sizeable crowd, not just a handful of us activists, so that we make an impact and people know that the LPSF is alive and kicking. Starchild and I worked on something like this a year and a half ago with his SF Liberty Coalition, and it never really got off its feet, but I feel there is still a market for this type of thing. We would have to publicize it and maybe even make it into a fund-raising event. Also we could invite the other LP chapters in the Bay Area and their people too. We want to build on the success of our work on the ballot measures last year and not just go back into our holes until the next election (which will be in November--therefore we won't be working on ballot
measures until August). Over 3,400 folks in San Francisco alone voted for Gary Johnson, so if we also include the Ron Paul people, the Tea Party folks, and other miscellaneous dissidents, we could make this a real happening. We're open to all suggestions and ideas.

Also, with Tax Day not so far off, we're thinking of perhaps taking the lead on a tax day event ourselves. The last 2 years we have had a table at Sally Z's Tea Party Protest at Justin Hermann Plaza. That was fine, and I enjoyed the outreach, but Sally may not have it this year, and perhaps it's time to do our own thing, which would cost us a permit and be primarily educational outreach. We would need lots of helpers--who is willing to help out at such an event? We're also open to other suggestions and ideas for a Tax Day event. Tax Day is a Monday this year, by the way. (Les "Magnus" Mangus is excused from service due to helping companies and individuals save on their taxes and "donating" less to the government.)

You guys are pretty smart and creative. Please submit ideas.
