[Thread moved from LPSF-activists] Re: Police Petition/Officer Training


I agree with you it would be nice "to have some assurance of rationality" from the Govt police. Do you think it is a proper function of the LPSF to attain this from them? (I don't.)

Best, Michael


  I do think it is a proper function of Libertarians to seek to force governments to abide by due process and the rule of law. I know you want to get rid of governments altogether, but while they exist and are committing injustices, I hold it proper for us to seek to make the system deliver justice to the extent we can. Making punishments proportional to the seriousness of crimes, respecting the constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, not discriminating on the basis of race -- I think you'd agree these are rational courses of action. Shouldn't the LPSF demand that government act accordingly?

Yours in liberty,
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