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Am I right in my assumption that the four City and County Propositions on the June 6th, 2006 Consolidated Primary election ballot, propositions A, B, C, and D will be discussed at the Saturday, May 13th, 2006 meeting of the LPSF? Presumably after the meeting LPSF recommendations will be published on the LPSF website?

     Once more I find myself in Germany as election day approaches and I have to fill out and return my absentee ballot so that it arrives by election day.

     Has the LPCa made recommendations regarding Propositions 81 and 82? I see they've still got the recommendations for last November's propositions posted, but I don't see anything regarding next months propositions.


The LPC Executive Committee just met last Saturday, May 6, and voted to
oppose both 81 and 82. Kind of a no brainer, but they had to take a
vote on it to make it all official. These votes were not detailed in
LPC Secretary Dan Weiner's summary of the meeting, but should be
included when the final minutes are published (within 30 days of the
meeting, knock wood). When the website will be updated is anyone's

Terry Floyd