Starchild, don't be fooled by this so called "Information Clearing House"
site. It has started already. The people who can't see with their own eyes
what's happening always turn to "paranoid conspiracies theories!" The sad
thing is, so many people want to believe the worst about our country. The
only people left fighting are the foreigners from Syria, Lebanon, the state,
formerly know as Palestine, Iran and Egypt. The Iraqis are celebrating but
you won't find them in the same numbers as, for example, like we saw in
Germany because they have been brutalized like this world has never seen.
Give them time, only the most confirmed America haters will not see the
truth. I liked your comment about morality trumping law. So many see this
world as rich/poor, white/some other color, powerful/weak, it blinds them. I
can't list all the good ideas that have been frowned upon or made difficult
to accomplish because certain people can't see thru their own twisted view of
things. Fight the good fight!
Live free or die, Michael Sawyer
Here's an example of the bull coming from that site:
.....It is not about weapons of mass destruction, or terrorism, or Saddam, or
U.N. resolutions.
This war, should it come, is intended to mark the official emergence of the
United States as a full-fledged global empire, seizing sole responsibility
and authority as planetary policeman. It would be the culmination of a plan
10 years or more in the making, carried out by those who believe the United
States must seize the opportunity for global domination, even if it means
becoming the "American imperialists" that our enemies always claimed we
People believe this.......I have to laugh
Michael R. Sawyer
Trade Printing
1761 Kelly Street
San Mateo, CA 94403
ph: 650-286-0970
fax: 650-286-1980
In a message dated 4/11/03 9:06:24 AM, sfdreamer@... writes:
<< Mike,
I have to admit, this looks pretty damning. While I still believe
the vast majority of Iraqis oppose Saddam Hussein and will be glad to be
liberated from his rule, it does look like the scenes of the Saddam Hussein
statue being pulled down and dragged through the streets by cheering Iraqis
may have been a cleverly-staged media event. The Iraqi rebel photographed
with exiled dissident Chalabi in southern Iraq and the guy in the square do
appear to be the same person. The website's claim that U.S. Marines had
"sealed off the square" was somewhat vague, however. If this referred to
Marines not allowing Iraqi civilians into the area, then the claim of a
staged event seems quite strong. But if "sealing the square" referred only
to the three American tanks circled in yellow on their photo, that's
another story. I'd love to see the mainstream media look into this.
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>> >>