The Meatrix


This one is for you!

Beware of some leftist misconceptions.


      G. Richard Newell
      +1 (408) 882-4785 (ph)
        1 (877) 684-4835 (fax)
      Open PGP key fingerprint:
      209C 0B3B 1594 32CF 27B0 0B81 3FA2 76CE DCFB B1A8

(Attachment bg_white.gif is missing)

Thanks Richard... I love "The Meatrix." It's probably the cleverest flash animation I've seen -- amusing *and* effective. But I've known about it for quite a while and am pretty sure I even mentioned it on this list before, although you may not have been a subscriber at the time. Also, I'm far from the only vegetarian here, nor perhaps even the most committed. Although I oppose meat-eating, I have never actually considered breaking off contact with my non-vegetarian friends and relatives, as Clay recently said he contemplated after watching some sickening video footage about how animals are treated.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>