I just wanted to send out a quick thank-you to all those who made this
past weekend's Outright Libertarians participation in San Francisco LGBT
Pride a success.
First, thanks to Curt from the East Bay for helping me set up the booth
on Saturday morning, Guy for volunteering at the booth for a few hours
on Saturday afternoon, and Marcy and Francoise for helping set up the
booth Sunday morning and volunteering at it while I was busy at the
parade. Also, thanks to Mike, Jawj, and Peter for joining me in the
parade. This was the earliest we've ever been in the Parade (#70 this
year, #134 last year), and though Comcast strategically skipped over our
contingent (as they did with the Milk and Toklas Democrats, so I guess
it was a Hotel Tax nonpartisan rules thing), we were seen in-person by
more people than ever. It's a shame there were only four of us, but
several people came up to the booth afterwards asking why we only had
four, and we replied "because you didn't join us." All of them
responded that they'd be happy to join us next year, and we got their
contact info, so let's hope they do.
Thanks again for everyone's help. Now, on to the next thing --
Outright's team in AIDS Walk on July 19.
Can we get more than 4 to walk?