"Tea Partiers Partial to Ron Paul" (Cincinatti Enquirer, 9/17/11)

If the Tea Party were as ultra-conservative/right-wing/anti-freedom as some people want us to believe, its members wouldn't be supporting Ron Paul over people like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Michele Bachmann, now would they?

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))

Remember, though, that these are the same Ohio voters who elected John Kasich as governor last year. They may change their tune when they hear that Ron Paul supports things like drug legalization and ending corporate imperialism.

Huumm...I am yet to hear main stream Tea Partiers favor Dr. Paul. I recall Sarah Palin saying Ron Paul was a "good man" a while back. But, no doubt, Tea Partiers are going for Perry. Hope you all have your Bible's visible when the patrols come to visit if Perry becomes our next fearless leader.



  I'm not suggesting most Tea Party supporters are as libertarian as folks in this group. Neither, however, do I think they are as bad as traditional conservative Republicans, on average.

  Perish the thought that either Perry or Romney should become the next president. Both of them strike me as waffling opportunists, establishment types craving after more power, meaning that virtually nothing they promise can be trusted. Kinda like Obama has turned out to be, except those two give me a worse vibe on a personal level.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))