Tax protest

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The Ides of March are about upon us, which means one month until the Ides
of April.

The last two years, we've had our protest at the Montgomery BART/Muni
station. There's a good crowd through there, and the IRS has been
servicing taxpayers in the station. (Funny - if I tried to do that, I'd be

However, there's an interesting opportunity. Marriage Equality California
is having an anti-tax rally at the Ferry Building, modeled on the Boston
Tea Party, at 6 pm (as I posted a moment ago). They're focusing on the
fact that federal tax law doesn't recognize same-sex marriages, whereas
we'll be focused on the idea that taxes are wrong.

But they're likely to get more press coverage than we are, and we are
sympathetic to their cause. This might be a good opportunity to take
advantage of; by having our protest at the same place and time, we might
get collateral press coverage, and have a chance to reach out to them.

Thoughts, both on this specific proposal and tax day in general?

- --
Christopher R. Maden, Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
The Party of Principle: individual freedom and personal responsibility
<URL: > +1.415.775.LPSF
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA


I'm copying this to the Activists list because I suspect that there are other activists who, like me, put off reading messages in the Discuss list.

I like your idea of going to the Ferry Building. There may not be as many passersby, but any libertarians we find there are more likely to become activists. And, as you said, we might get some publicity.

I'm slightly concerned that we might be seen as barging in on their protest, so I think we should keep our signs to one side of them.

Let's keep it simple since we are all very busy. For materials, I think we just need signs, Warbucks flyers, and campaign literature.

I've still got my big REPLACE TAXES WITH CHARITY AND USER FEES sign from the past two years. Does anyone else still have tax protest signs?

It would be very helpful to have a Spanish speaker there in case someone from channel 14 shows up. Marcy? Raphael?


Hello friends in Liberty:

I would very much like to participate in this years Tax Protest, alas and alack, that is the night my Latin class meets. Oh well, one cannot have everything.
Secondarily, have I missed this month's meeting? I cannot remember if it is the third Saturday or when it is in actuality.

Thanking you in advance,

Kelly Simpson <KellySimpson@...> wrote:

I'm copying this to the Activists list because I suspect that there are
other activists who, like me, put off reading messages in the Discuss list.

I like your idea of going to the Ferry Building. There may not be as
many passersby, but any libertarians we find there are more likely to
become activists. And, as you said, we might get some publicity.

I'm slightly concerned that we might be seen as barging in on their
protest, so I think we should keep our signs to one side of them.

Let's keep it simple since we are all very busy. For materials, I think
we just need signs, Warbucks flyers, and campaign literature.

I've still got my big REPLACE TAXES WITH CHARITY AND USER FEES sign from
the past two years. Does anyone else still have tax protest signs?

It would be very helpful to have a Spanish speaker there in case someone
from channel 14 shows up. Marcy? Raphael?



The LPSF meetings and social hours are on the second Saturday of each month (details at I'm sorry you won't be able to make it to the tax protest.
