Tax literature language


Here are some suggestions for Chris's tax-day flyer:

* Change the title to <EVERY FIVE MINUTES>.

* In the first sentence, change <your money> to <taxpayers' money>. (No individual pays $1,000,000 every five minutes, and <our money> could imply collective ownership.)

* In the first paragraph, put the sentence about the pacifist before the sentence about the conservative Christian (to increase the chance that a San Franciscan who takes the flyer will read on).

If there is time, I would like to fiddle with the text some more. Chris is a very good writer, but I think he was in a big hurry to get this written, so it's not up to his usual standards. I'm also pressed for time, but I may be able to work on it late tonight or early tomorrow morning.

When are you going to print the flyers?

Is the text going to be on the back of the fake $1,000,000 bill? If not, what will be on the other side?


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Here's proposed text for the flyer handouts on Tuesday. If anyone has any
comments, please send them to the list; Rob may have time to edit the files
before printing them.


The US government spends $1,000,000 of your money every five minutes or
less. Do you feel that's money well spent? Unfortunately, the government
says it's not optional; if you don't pay your taxes, you may go to
jail. Are you a conservative Christian forced to fund art you consider
obscene? Are you a pacifist forced to fund foreign military adventures? A
progressive forced to fund the Republican and Reform Party national
conventions? Too bad!

The Libertarian Party recognizes that taking money by force - even for a
good cause - is called theft. A smaller government would not require
coercive taxes to fund, while private charities or user fees would provide
the services that government bureaucracies currently bungle.

To learn more, call us or visit our Web sites.
[contact info for LPSF, LPC, LPUS]

- --
Polls by CNN, CBS, and Knight-Ridder show that most
Americans now assume the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi.
Political gadfly and freelance nerd: <URL: >
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA


  Good suggestions. I'm also wondering if we use Terry Floyd's lovely
revision of the front of the $1,000,000 bill fliers with the president's
head on them?

        <<< Starchild >>>

At 1:51 PM -0700 4/14/03, Kelly Simpson shared:

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Here are some suggestions for Chris's tax-day flyer:

* Change the title to <EVERY FIVE MINUTES>.

* In the first sentence, change <your money> to <taxpayers' money>. (No
individual pays $1,000,000 every five minutes, and <our money> could
imply collective ownership.)

* In the first paragraph, put the sentence about the pacifist before the
sentence about the conservative Christian (to increase the chance that a
San Franciscan who takes the flyer will read on).

Thanks, Kelly. I like these changes. I'm a little less enthusiastic about
the other changes you sent, but I have no real objection to them.

The other side is the modified fake M$1 bills that the EBLP made; they have
GWII on the front, and are labeled as One Million Warbucks.

If there is time, I would like to fiddle with the text some more. Chris
is a very good writer, but I think he was in a big hurry to get this
written, so it's not up to his usual standards.

Hey! (-:

Uh, what time did I mail that to you, Rob? 3 am?

in rainy San Diego
- --
Polls by CNN, CBS, and Knight-Ridder show that most
Americans now assume the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi.
Political gadfly and freelance nerd: <URL: >
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA