Dear Chris,
You wrote:
A smaller government would not require
coercive taxes to fund, while private charities or user fees would
the services that government bureaucracies currently bungle.
Everything that came before seems excellent. However, this sentence
seems too involved, obscure, or complicated for the uninitiated. I
suggest you omit it and let them get further details when they "call
us or visit our web sites."
Best, Michael
Perhaps it could be reworded. I think our "taxation is theft"
slogan will go over better if people realize that government could be
funded voluntarily, so it's good to discuss this idea in our written
From the anarchist position, just getting people to accept the idea
that social goods can be funded voluntarily is a major step in the right
direction. As long as we don't say "we believe in small government," we're
leaving the door open to anarchy as a possible goal.
Yours in liberty,
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