Tax Day

Hi Rob,

It appears that the Ron Paul Group is planning to hand out DVD's at post offices (with further details to come); and supposedly there will be people participating in "Tea Party Day", which appears to be a handing out leaflet,educational event also.

I am wondering if LPSF should order some tax-related education material to hand out. And, no, I do not consider our "war bucks" effective educational material.


Do you have any suggestions for what educational material to order?

BTW, attached are the "Million Dollar Bills" that I had planned on
distributing. I understand that you want something more effectively
educational, but I hope you don't mind us giving out these as well.
They seem pretty good, IMHO. That 11 seconds statistic is from 2007. I
bet it's under 10 seconds now...

Amarcy D. Berry wrote:

million_dollars.pdf (392 KB)

Hi Rob,

My goodness! No, I do not mind if you distribute the bills! My suggestion was that we distribute something more substantial ("serious") as well.

I was going to suggest ordering from ISIL, but their tax brochure seems rather dated. I looked up what LP National had on taxes, and was amazed that they want us to pay $.95 for each brochure!! LP offers a free PDF of the tax brochure, which I tried several times to download without success. I will try again tonight. So, my suggestion would be for me to print either the free LP PDF brochure; or if I do not succeed, write something myself (I will post anything I write for approval).


Only the sample is free. It has a watermark across it, so it's useless
for printing and distributing. It's the one I attached to my last
email. There isn't one available for free that you can print and use.

Amarcy D. Berry wrote:

Nuts! I refuse to suggest purchasing brochures for almost one dollar each. I will mull this over and either find a free brochure or write one this weekend.
