Support for a civil liberties friendly member of the San Francisco Police Commission

At our meeting on Saturday, I mentioned as part of my activism having reached out to Police Commission member Max Carter-Oberstone about a news article I read on how the new mayor wants to replace him. I got a response from him yesterday, below. Apparently there is an organized effort to oppose the mayor’s bid to remove him from the commission, and he would welcome our support in that.

He’s going to have someone send me a draft of the letter for my review, that we and other groups will be able to sign on to (I noted my concern that it not be worded in a way that would be problematic from a libertarian point of view). Max also mentions a board hearing on the matter happening February 25, which I will try to attend and speak at, and hope others can as well. More info on these things should be forthcoming.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


Begin forwarded message:

From: Max Carter-Oberstone
Subject: Removal from police commission
Date: February 10, 2025 at 9:37:37 PM PST
To: “

Hi Starchild,

Thanks so much for reaching out and offering to help. There will be a letter drafted opposing Mayor Lurie’s removal that dozens of orgs will sign onto. I would be delighted to have your/the SF Libertarian Party’s support. There will also be a board hearing on the matter on Feb25 if you’re inclined to come out and speak. Thanks again!


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

Since the current 2025 @SFBos(ses)’ President @RafaelMandelman supported #45/Breed’s cost-cutting measure to easily ouster @SFPD Commissioners — specifically upstarts like Max Carter-Oberstone — it is unlikely that Max has much of a leg to stand on since Mandelman sets the agendas for the @SFBos(ses) & doesn’t need to give Max’s concerns a formal public hearing; so, Max’s petitions/grievances will likely never see the light of day in an official hearing regardless of his desperate activism to protect his SALARY/job/self-interest.

Besides, new Bürgermeister/#46/@DanielLurie — like the owner of any business or property — & @SFBos(s) Pres. Mandelman clearly have a right, explicitly by law in this case, to select the Staff/Commissioners they feel will execute their policies most effectively efficiently & competently & retire the legacy hangers-on who are not up to the task.

Only arrogant &/or corrupt inbred bureaucRATS feel their temporary appointments & SALARY are guaranteed for their entire LifeTime.

The board passed the prohibition on demanding preemptive resignation letters by a vote of 8-to-2, with Supervisors Rafael Mandelman and Catherine Stefani opposed.

Regardless, The 7 @SFPD Commissioners ( 4 appointed by Mayor, 3 appointed by @SFBos(ses) — ALL confirmed by @SFBos(ses) ) who make btwn * US$48,323 & up to a whopping US$150,148 per year seem like another example of good-for-nothing BIG Govt BureaucRAT Redundancy ( if not Waste Abuse & Fraud of TaxPayers’ Earnings/Savings ) when basic HR hiring of Ethical & Qualified @SFPD Cadets/Officers should suffice in the first place when the @SFDAOffice & @SFSuperiorCourt cannot reign in scofflaw Officers whenever ( rare ) issues arise.

Thusly, the principled “Libertarian” position would be to Downsize Govt & Abolish the Redundancy of a “Police Commission” & simply let established @SFDAOffice & @SFSuperiorCourt handle staff grievances & misconduct as they do for any other entities & Citizens without giving @SFPD Officers a separate ( & not equal ) status above basic codes & laws.

Instead of fleecing SF TaxPayers for his over-the-top salary, :point_up_2:t2:Max:point_up:t3: should probably just go back to being an ordinary attorney & defending the Rights of Citizens — not just feathering his own nest.

So, I hope the LPSF doesn’t follow Max down his self-aggrandizing rabbit hole. That is, unless Max officially 1. Joins The SF Libertarian Party & 2. Articulates in writing Libertarian Priorities he promises he will Deliver on while in office & 3. Donates from his extravagant salary to LPSF assets.

The average employee salary for City & County of San Francisco, CA in 2022 was … 42.1% higher than the national average for govt employees & 40.5% higher than other [ local ] counties.


Hey Starchild,

Did Max Carter Oberstone ever make good on his promise to send you the letter/petition to support his UNELECTED position?

Did you attend, speak or submit written testimony ( can you attach the text of it to a reply to this post ) at today’s @SFBos(ses)’ hearing to ouster that UNELECTED Grifterfleecing TaxPayers for US$150,148 per year & did you rally much support for him by networking with other groups OR did you get a chance to speak with @SFBos(ses)’ President @RafaelMandalmen to try to give him your rationale for retaining/re-appointing MCO ???

More importantly, were you able to convince MCO to join the @LibertarianSF — or at least the forum.lpsf for us to engage & better understand his mission to better serve SF Citizens ??

It looks like the vote for ( Agenda Item 21 & 22 ) was almost unanimous to give MCO the boot ( so, I reckon MCO is headed back to lawyering in the private sector, where he might make more income — & perhaps donate to the LPSF !?! ) :
