At our meeting on Saturday, I mentioned as part of my activism having reached out to Police Commission member Max Carter-Oberstone about a news article I read on how the new mayor wants to replace him. I got a response from him yesterday, below. Apparently there is an organized effort to oppose the mayor’s bid to remove him from the commission, and he would welcome our support in that.
He’s going to have someone send me a draft of the letter for my review, that we and other groups will be able to sign on to (I noted my concern that it not be worded in a way that would be problematic from a libertarian point of view). Max also mentions a board hearing on the matter happening February 25, which I will try to attend and speak at, and hope others can as well. More info on these things should be forthcoming.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Begin forwarded message:
From: Max Carter-Oberstone
Subject: Removal from police commission
Date: February 10, 2025 at 9:37:37 PM PST
To: “” sfdreamer@earthlink.netHi Starchild,
Thanks so much for reaching out and offering to help. There will be a letter drafted opposing Mayor Lurie’s removal that dozens of orgs will sign onto. I would be delighted to have your/the SF Libertarian Party’s support. There will also be a board hearing on the matter on Feb25 if you’re inclined to come out and speak. Thanks again!
Sent from Proton Mail for iOS