Suggestion - Let people comment on news items we post on our website

If we don't know how to allow comments to be posted directly on the
LPSF site, I suppose having links there to where people can comment on
Facebook is a decent alternative. As a means of speaking out against
government, I believe being able to comment anonymously is a good
thing and an important freedom to have on the Internet, but I don't
see it as critical for a small group like ours to allow. The arguments
for allowing it, imho, are to help preserve the general freedom for
anonymous posting to exist online, to encourage more traffic, and to
show we aren't afraid of anonymous comments and respect people's
privacy. The obvious downside is that it allows more opportunity for
cowardly people to say negative and hateful things they would not say
if they were identifiable.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild,

As always, I will err on the side of identifying yourself when you post anything with anyone (private, government, social, you name it). My world has no room for those who do not wish to stand for what they believe in.
