Steve Kubby Free Again

From: ElPatricio@...

Dear Starchild;
  Good news finally about Steve Kubby. When you used the word free again - it brought to mind Dr. Martin Luther King's words: some day I will be free - free at last...
  Something Steve Kubby can say quite freely today.....
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
  P.S. The thought brings to mind the legend surrounding the I Have A Dream speech. At the event Dr. King was speaking but his remarks weren't getting anywhere or going anywhere.
  Then Mahalia Jackson who was on the dais with him leaned forward and said; " Martin - tell them about your Dream."
  Close insiders had heard him previously speak of his dream but he had never elucidated it before like he did that day in Washington. And the rest became history.....
Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:

I recall seeing video of the "I have a dream..." speech each year of High School on a certain date -- probably the one that is now the holiday.