Starchild's LTE Makes Tuedays SF Chronicle

Dear Starchild;
  In case you didn't notice you made Tuesdays Chronicle but without your candidate affiliation:
  'Question Time'
  Editor -- Inspired by Britain's weekly "Question Time," where the prime minister has to face questioners in the House of Commons, Supervisor Chris Daly wants San Francisco's mayor to participate in a similar question-and-answer session. So far, so good. But as usual, Daly's plan amounts to a power grab in populist guise. Sure, he's all in favor of Question Time as long as he and his colleagues are the ones asking the questions. Question Time has the potential to enhance participatory democracy and increase the amount of unscripted speech at City Hall. Journalists and members of the public should be able to question the mayor as well. But the mayor shouldn't be the only official forced to publicly answer questions -- the supervisors should face the music, too. STARCHILD San Francisco