Starchild on

Wow, what a difference a masterful editing job makes! After trimming my rambling responses in this interview down to a few more or less cogent points (credit for that goes to Zach Weissmueller, according to the info at the link), it actually sounds pretty good, lol!

  But Tim is always terrific to talk with, and I love how they worked in visuals of so many of the things I touched on too, including a clip of the antique Market Street video from the LPSF site. Thanks for posting Mike, I hadn't seen the clip yet.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Congratulations, Starchild! A marvelous interview, indeed! I was sure to repost the video on my club's website:

Casey Given

Thanks, guys!

  I think Reason is getting good traffic with these videos. Already the clip has 293 "likes" on Facebook and 14 tweets on Twitter! And Daniel Lewis of the Tennessee Libertarian Party sent me a note of appreciation saying he'd posted it to the LPTN and Nashville LP websites.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))