For years, I have marched publicly with My Jewish Friends in DC, who have witnessed the genocidal #carnage in Filastin" (فلسطين)/
Israel first-hand with our own eyes, & have been outraged by the brazen violation of #USgovt #1stAmendment Principles by both #47’s & #46’s administrations/regimes — as Marianne Hirsch clearly stated again today in The Forward.
There is an entire galaxy of daylight between anti-#ISgovt/anti-#USgovt peaceful protests & “anti-semitism” which by definition includes animosity & actions against Arabs & Muslims & NorthAfricans & The Jewish Diaspora et al.
Unless the LPSF is a haven for despicable authoritarian anti-semitism, I hope Y’All will draft a resolution indicting #47 & #46’s & Congressional Ds & Rs’ ongoing violations of The #USgovt Contsitution & #1stAmendment before they come to @Stanford where My buddy Tom, an SF Voter & Homeowner & TaxPayer for decades, is a Professor.
If Y’All hear of any local SF Campus ProTests, like those at @Columbia, I’d like to join them not only because they will be good venues to recruit more LPSF Members Donors & Voters & Supporters — IF Y’All play your cards right.