Speaker for next LPSF meeting

I recently spoke with Johnny Lorenz of the SF Drug Users Union, a group that supports decriminalization, and invited someone from their group to come to our next LPSF meeting on April 12. He indicated he would be available to do so, and is also going to ask his boss about me coming to talk about the Libertarian Party at one of their group's weekly meetings. I think this could potentially be a fruitful contact.

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild! Drug Users Union doesn't sound so appetizing to me, but if they're for decriminalization (and why wouldn't they be), then he can come speak to us at the next meeting. How much time should I allot on the agenda (definitely not over 30 minutes)?


Well, they aren't dim sum; no one's asking you to eat them. :wink: Lots of drug users already in our group I'm sure, we just haven't formed a union.

  As for time on the agenda, 30 minutes sounds like plenty of time for a presentation and discussion, maybe even more than needed, although it's always a little hard to know in advance. Sometimes I've felt we've allotted too much time to our guests at the expense of time for other things on the agenda, and other times it's felt about right. A half hour is what we've usually set aside for guest presentations, isn't it?

Love & Liberty,
                                  ((( starchild )))