Social Media Seminar

Hi Michael,

I am with you on the objectives you propose. I was also hoping to delve into the broader issue as to how to obtain the greatest benefit from Facebook, both LPSF's and our own, in promoting the Party. For example, if we have our own Facebook account (as you and I have) is the idea to try to post both in our own account and the LPSF account, or there is a way that our posts could show on both, or would that not be a good thing? What the heck are "Notifications"; whose show up on my account? What experience do LPSF members have out there with their options as to who sees their posts (Just Friends, Friends of Friends, Everybody)?

I was also hoping that the idea of a "seminar" would be not only instructional on technical terms, but would also encourage more LPSF members to make use of the opportunities that the Internet offers to promote the LPSF. Otherwise, what is the purpose of LPSF? (Not to discount the benefits of socially interacting with our great members!)
