So - Now What About Newsom - Gonzalez?

Dear Everyone;

Hallinan is the excom recommendation for DA.

What about Newsom vs. Gonzalez? Is it as the joke goes, Newsom is
Gonzalez after Queer Makeover? Are both total write-offs?

One of them is going to become Mayor. Is there any way of getting
some agreement on appointment positions for the endorsement? Or is
realpolitiks in this Mayors race too hard to swallow because of what
and who the candidates are for and against?

This is strictly an open question.

Personally, neither candidate impresses me as someone who can tackle
head on the extremely serious problems facing San Francisco. I am
very concerned about the City I have lived in for the last 30 some
years. ( I came here as a 1 year old - un hunh - I was just a very
mature one year old who could vote )

I don't have any answers to the question. I am totally befuddled as
to what either Newsom or Gonzalez can accomplish if anything.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

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What about Newsom vs. Gonzalez? Is it as the joke goes, Newsom is
Gonzalez after Queer Makeover? Are both total write-offs?

Sorry - I should have been clearer about that. There is no recommendation
for mayor. Both candidates appear to be serious impediments to freedom in
San Francisco, and even assuming we wanted to recommend the lesser weevil,
the membership is divided on which one that is.

[My personal vote changes daily, depending on how monkey-wrenching I am
feeling. The anarchist in me wants to vote for Gonzalez for the same
reason that I'd like to throw a stink bomb into the Supervisors' chamber.]

- --
"Hollywood's often tried to mix/Show business with politics/From Helen
Gahagan/To... Ronald Reagan?" - Tom Lehrer, "George Murphy", 1965
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