Smith Center event on "Economic Freedom of the World Index" (Weds. March 9, 2-4pm) - Smith Center, CSU Hayward

The Smith Center, the libertarian-leaning think tank at CSU East Bay, has periodic free lectures. They happen on weekdays, so some people may have trouble attending, but the one on Wednesday, March 9 sounds interesting. - Click on "Link to Audio and Video of Speakers" to see list of upcoming events and recordings of some previous events.

  Joshua Hall of Beloit College will be talking about the Economic Freedom of the World Index. This ranks different countries according to how much economic freedom the governments which control them allow. Probably discussion will touch on events in the Middle East, since that is very topical.

  If you're driving from the city, I'd be interested in carpooling with you and can chip in for gas -- give me a call any time, (415) 625-FREE.

  Apparently there is a new parking tax at the school where they charge $10 for a parking permit, but you can get a free one at Smith Center events or send them an SASE in advance and they'll mail you one (see I'm doing this, so hopefully will have been sent one by the 9th.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))