We're being offered a chance to sign onto Save MUNI's rebuttal argument against Prop. A (see message from Howard Wong and my response below). Pending a look at the final language I think it's likely a good idea, but I told him we'd need to discuss it. Let's discuss!

Love & Liberty,
                                  ((( starchild )))

Hi All. I'm in favor of signing on to their rebuttal. I used many of things Howard is saying in the argument we submitted to the Department of Elections. In fact he and I communicated back and forth for the last week or two about Prop A, and he sent me a lot of their information, knowing that the LPSF would probably submit an opponent's argument, so we may as well have some good ammunition. The only part I probably would not include is the part about property taxes rising because I know the proponents will talk about how it's City policy to sell new bonds as old ones are retired so the property taxes don't go up. They could go up and very well might, but I wouldn't say they will go up. No argument is perfect anyway, so I think we should sign on. Please vote on this issue.


We're being offered a chance to sign onto Save MUNI's rebuttal argument against Prop. A (see message from Howard Wong and my response below). Pending a look at the final language I think it's likely a good idea, but I told him we'd need to discuss it. Let's discuss!

Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))

Hi All. I see 3 YES and 0 NO votes, so I will sign our name (LPSF) to Howard's rebuttal for Prop A, unless there are a bunch of NO votes. I would prefer that a few more folks weighed in before meeting with Howard with the paperwork later on in the day. Please advise if you think the LPSF should sign the rebuttal argument against the $500 million bond for transportation and road improvements.


Hi All. I'm in favor of signing on to their rebuttal. I used many of things Howard is saying in the argument we submitted to the Department of Elections. In fact he and I communicated back and forth for the last week or two about Prop A, and he sent me a lot of their information, knowing that the LPSF would probably submit an opponent's argument, so we may as well have some good ammunition. The only part I probably would not include is the part about property taxes rising because I know the proponents will talk about how it's City policy to sell new bonds as old ones are retired so the property taxes don't go up. They could go up and very well might, but I wouldn't say they will go up. No argument is perfect anyway, so I think we should sign on. Please vote on this issue.


We're being offered a chance to sign onto Save MUNI's rebuttal argument against Prop. A (see message from Howard Wong and my response below). Pending a look at the final language I think it's likely a good idea, but I told him we'd need to discuss it. Let's discuss!

Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))

We haven't seen Save MUNI's Prop. A rebuttal yet -- what's below is the opponent's argument. I'm guessing the rebuttal will be fine, but we should probably reserve judgement until seeing it.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))