Sierra Club Endorsement Questionnaire

Hi John,

  Having the blessing of the local Sierra Club chapter in my run for Supervisor would be an interesting and unexpected development, especially if I was endorsed to fill the District 6 seat! :wink:

  Unfortunately, it's my understanding that the Sierra Club is generally in favor of expanding government power and control and generally opposes free market approaches to protecting other species and the natural environment, and that submitting a questionnaire would therefore be a waste of my time.

  If this is not the case, please show me how I am misinformed and I will gladly send you written responses to your questions.

  Even if you choose not to consider me for your group's endorsement, I am still willing in the spirit of constructive dialogue to sit down with yourself and/or any other Sierra Club members to discuss environmental policy or other topics that may be of concern to you at any mutually convenient time and location you may propose. You are welcome to contact me any time at (415) 625-FREE.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))
             Candidate for Supervisor, District 8

I'd like to see the questionnaire?

Eric and all,

  Here is the Sierra Club's questionnaire:

I don't like the questions.
And have some of my own for them, like why is their quetionaire so leading?

Thanks for posting this, Starchild. Now I see what you meant about it being a waste of your time to complete such a questionnaire! I am not sure I agree with Eric that the questions are leading; they are just a reflection of today's attitude that if we can give government enough power and enough money, all problems will be solved.


Dear Starchild

You might ask where the Sierra Club and the Enviro-Greenies and Earth Firsters and anti-oil wellers are when this is going on in Arizona. Wow - the Immigration "Highways" are an environmental disaster needing a major clean up. [feedyouradhd_blogspot_com]

Ron Getty

This is odd in several ways. (a) Why are all these immigrants shedding
all their clothes and possessions as soon as they get across the border?
(b) Does the Border Patrol not know about this "superhighway"? I can
attribute a lot to government incompetence, but this really seems a

Dear UCSF Mike;

I have read other similar reports from ranchers in that part of the state where the same thing is happening on their property. It's not exactly unique but why it is allowed to go on and on is anybodies guess.

Ron Getty

The reports I've read speak about a lot of women's underpants-pointing
to rape, often by Border Patrolmen-but I still don't understand
abandoning such large quantities of clothing and other possessions right
across the border. I wonder, for example, if that was voluntary, or if
the Border Patrol forced them to leave those things behind.

Dear UCSF Mike;

Have absolutely no way to know that or why the throw away stuff but from the looks of the pictures it's a lot of stuff to be tossed.

Ron Getty

The fact that there is apparently so much trash in a concentrated area, this one wash, kind of suggests that the migrants *are* being conscientious by using a specific place to discard unneeded items, rather than strewing them across the entire landscape.

  After all, it's not like the Border Patrol or anybody else installs trash receptacles in the desert, or the migrants can just mail the extra items home, or leave them with a hotel concierge!

  If a migrant finds she has brought more personal items than she has the energy to continue carrying on this long trek across the desert, what would you have her do? Keep carrying the stuff until she gets to Tucson and finds a trash can, maybe dying on the way from exhaustion, heat stroke, or dehydration?

  Another possible explanation for all this abandoned clothing, of course, is that the photos are staged. It does seem a bit weird that so much clothing would be left behind, and I wouldn't put it past some of the xenophobes to try to frame migrants as a group as enemies of the environment.

  But after some thought, I hit upon what seems to me perhaps the most likely explanation -- the migrants have to get wet crossing the Rio Grande at this location, and after crossing, they use this place to change into other clothes that they have kept dry in a plastic bag, leaving the wet items behind. The groups complaining about the clothing being discarded in the desert could probably cut down on the phenomenon by building more bridges across the river. Or simply just install convenient trash receptacles. But of course they won't do this, because their real concern is the migration itself, not the litter. The litter issue is just a red herring.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Totally a duh! moment. What else are you going to do with wet, sweaty clothes, or items that might slow you down?

BTW, a Brazilian friend of mine just sent the Brazilian community an alert that ICE is rounding up folks in a Brazilian community in Marin (that's what she said, Marin). Now, that's too close for comfort for me, and in the interest of sincerity, I thought I would share my discomfort with the situation.
