A poll released showed 70+ percent of the American people (roughly the same percentage who can't find Libya on a map of Africa) support Wall Street's military initiative to overthrow the Qaddafi government.
As I've been looking into this situation more closely, it is beginning to appear more and more that Qaddafi's links to terrorism are about as well substantiated as Saddam Hussein's atomic weapons arsenal, or the millions of corpses buried in Serbian mass-graves, or the rampant child-abuse carried out by David Koresh and the Branch Davidians.
I'm going to post some links to these stories as I get them better verified.
Before the neocons pounce in and accuse me of supporting Qaddafi's autocracy, they should consult with 2008 LP presidential candidate Robert Barr whom, I understand, is currently in Haiti acting as legal counsel to former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier.