Dear Chris;
Why should there be "State" laws either literally state or federal mandating employment testing of any kind? A company may require skills testing and so on but if they are going to have drug testing manadated by federal or state fiat then there is no option to opt out by going to another employer who doesn't test if it is a blanket fiat for drug testing.
If an employer voluntarily chooses to test for drugs and so announces in advance then applicants are coming there are voluntarily knowing in advance they will be drug tested.
Employers sucking up to the government for laws both before and after enacted are seeking protectionsims from the state to make it more prohibitive for small employers to compete for employees.
Big Business supported Social Security and minimum wages as the competition would have a tough time earning the additional profits per emplyee.
Jsut dump all drug and employment and wage laws.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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