From: Starchild For SF! <RealReform@...>
Dear Starchild;
Great replies based on your camapign for Supervisor. BTW: Just who is SF4Democracy and who do they represent? A little bit curious as to what impact they have on the voters who would or not would vote for you based on your responses and the recommendation of SF4Democracy?
Also on this question as little something you missed
Should commercial real estate be exempted from Prop 13?
No. That would be a tax increase, and people are already forced to pay too much in taxes as it is.
As an aside - IF - the Prop 13 commercial building taxes were no longer exempt the literal billions in new taxes would be passed on to consumers through higher prices on goods and services. There are no free lunches - someone has to pay - and consumers would be the ones paying the increased taxes - this is a point all the idiots who talk about taking away the Prop 13 exemption on commercial properties keep ignoring. DO'H!!!
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Thanks, Ron. SF4Democracy is the local chapter of the organization formed to support Howard Dean. I don't know what they plan to do with the responses they get -- hopefully pass them along to their members to decide who to support, but in some organizations just a handful of insiders read them and make endorsement decisions.
Love & liberty,
<<< starchild >>>