Anyone want to go to a mayoral debate this evening? It’s sponsored at least in part by “moderate”/“law-and-order” types, who will be giving the DA a “crimefighter of the year” award (ha), but good in any case to get more informed about and familiar with local politics and make our voices heard. Details in email below. Note doors open 6pm, but actual debate probably not beginning until more like 7pm.
If I hear from anyone else who wants to go and meet up, I likely will; if not, I may attend another (non-political) event instead. Write back or (better) call me at the number below and let me know if you’re interested.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997
On Jul 8, 2024, at 12:41 PM, Stop Crime SF wrote:
You have signed up to attend this evening’s Mayoral candidate debate. The address is 1199-9th Avenue near Lincoln Way, with the doors to the County Fair building auditorium (located just inside Golden Gate Park) opening at 6:00 PM. At 6:30 PM sharp, there will be a presentation of the “Crimefighter of the Year” award to District Attorney Brooke Jenkins and her speech, followed by the debate. We are expecting a full house, so please arrive with time to spare.
The location is near public transportation including the N Judah, the 44 bus, and the 7 bus. Parking is available on the streets. The building is ADA accessible. (Reply to this email if you need to request any special accommodation or help.)
The debate is co-hosted by KTVU Channel 2, Stop Crime SF, Stop Crime Action and ConnectedSF. Co-sponsors include Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association, Miraloma Park Improvement Club, Midtown Terrace Homeowners Association, Sunset Heights Association of Responsible People, SOAR, D2Unite, Iconic D3, Sunset United Neighbors, Hi5D5, RebuildD6, MobilizeD10.
We look forward to seeing you there!
(If you are unable to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can provide seats to others. Send an email to us at with the subject line: UNABLE TO ATTEND. If you have already let us know this information, there is no need to do so again.)