SF mayor speculation/help for a Santa Maria poll


  This polls isn't really that great an indicator of where the candidates stand, but my prediction is that Matt Gonzalez *WILL* be the next mayor of San Francisco. Susan Leal isn't his strongest competitor; Gavin Newsom is. But despite being a Green in a Democratic town, Gonzalez has already risen to President of the Board of Supervisors, and he seems to be a very honest and decent guy despite his left-wing views. I think the more people have gotten to know him, the more they tend to like him, and despite his late entry into the race, he appears to be pulling ahead of the other two far-left candidates (Ammiano and Alioto). He's generating a lot of excitement among young idealistic voters on the left.

  Newsom, a moderate, has by far the highest polling numbers, but unless he can eke out an unlikely first-vote majority, he'll be in a runoff with someone (my guess is Gonzalez). In such a scenario most of the supporters of the other left-wing candidates, who appear to be the next strongest in the field, will likely unite behind Gonzalez to give him the final victory. Although City Treasurer Leal is more of a moderate and this might help Newsom pick up some of her votes in a runoff, the fact that she is Hispanic will probably also lead a significant number of her supporters to turn to Gonzalez. Newsom of course would get most of Tony Ribera's Republican voters in a run-off with Gonzalez, but after eight years of Willie Brown, I suspect that as "heir apparent" he will ultimately be too tough a sell for most of the electorate to pull off a victory.

  Anyway, the paragraphs above are of course typical of the B.S. media coverage I've often complained about myself in which all angles are discussed except the issues and what the candidates and their parties actually stand for! The important thing is to support the party and candidate who are most pro-freedom no matter what the pundits say, and in this race that would be the LP and its candidate Mike Denny. Thanks for your vote.

Yours in liberty,
              <<< Starchild >>>

P.S. - SF Libertarians can likewise help our SoCal freedom-fighter comrades out by going to http://www.kcoy.com and voting "YES" on the question "Do you take the current RECALL of Santa Maria, City Council seriously?" Scroll down a little and look on the left side and you will see the question on the left margin, according to B.J.


     I cast a vote for Denny\.   He sure does need help\.  Looks like socialist Green Gonzales

and a Democrat are running away with the poll. Do you think that is reflective of how the vote will really go?


God Bless You

with True Wisdom

B U T remember . . . .

When tyranny comes to your door,

it will be wearing a GOVERNMENT uniform.

William "B.J." Wagener

LP of C 2002 State Convention Contractor


Host and Tv Producer of "On Second Thought"

----Original Message Follows----

From: Starchild


CC: wstreett@shell.monmouth.com, torchess@..., theawayteam@..., tedbrown1776@..., howerton62@...

Subject: Re: A little HELP request. (Santa Maria recall poll, SF mayor poll)

Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 02:01:33 -0700


I'll be glad to vote for your recall, but please provide the exact link for the poll! It's not obvious where to go in the KCOP site.

Also on the subject of polls, Libertarian candidate Mike Denny could use some help in a poll on the SF mayoral race at http://www.sf-frontlines.com/.

Yours in liberty,

<<< Starchild >>>



>Hey Gang,


> We need not your $$, We need your click.


>Ch-12 is doing a poll on the RECALL of the Santa Maria City council.


>Two Libertarians, Joe Furcinite [2000 Cong. LP Candidate] and Bj

>Wagener have ignited the RECALL, for : 1. voting to give the

>Installation Contract on Fluoride { using industrial waste

>Hydrofluorisilic Acid, contaminated with lead and mercury}, 2.

>firing our popular Chief of Police, 3. Forcing the resignation of

>our City Clerk, so they could put in their corrupt [in my opinion]

>and over paid S.M. City Manager as City Clerk by appointment, rather

>than leting us ELECT one, to maintain the balance of power.


>Please go to www.kcop.com and click on their poll, for serious or

>Very Serious. The bias Tv station is trying to make it look like

>most voters don't care or don't take it seriously.




> Joe & Bj Wagener



>God Bless You



>with True Wisdom



>B U T remember . . . .



>When tyranny comes to your door,


>it will be wearing a GOVERNMENT uniform.



>William "B.J." Wagener


>LP of C 2002 State Convention Contractor




>Host and Tv Producer of "On Second Thought"




>Fast, faster, fastest: Upgrade to Cable or DSL today!
